Friday, 18 September 2015

Acne Vulgaris the Cause of Pain and Humiliation

By []Jin Kahlon 

Acne has many forms but the most common is referred to as "Acne Vulgaris", meaning "common acne". Acne vulgaris is an inflammatory disease of the skin, caused by changes to your skin structures which, consists of hair follicle and its associated sebaceous glands. Acne lesions are commonly referred to as pimples, spots or zits.

What causes Acne Vulgaris

Acne is caused by the blocking of your pores by dead skin cells which subsequently block the hair follicle. This results in the build up of oils produced by the sebaceous glands (these are found under your skin); a perfect environment for skin bacteria to multiply uncontrollably.

The outcome of this build up of bacteria under your skin is the skin inflames, producing the visible lesion (acne). The face, chest, back, shoulders and upper arms are especially affected

Aside from acne scarring the main impact of acne is psychological, such as reduced self-esteem, depression or suicide. Acne usually strikes during adolescence and is more prominent in the western society. It is considered an abnormal response to normal levels of the male hormone testosterone.

As time progresses acne tends to disappear or decrease by the time you reach your early twenties. There is no time frame for acne vulgaris to disappear entirely and some people even suffer from acne decades later, into their thirties and forties and maybe longer. Acne affects a large percentage of the human population at some point during their lives.

Why Have I Got Acne?

A very valid question and unfortunately one that does not have an answer. It is not clear why some people get acne and some people do not. It is partly due to who you are (hereditary). Several factors are known to be linked to acne:

o Diet

o Stress

o Active Hormones - such as menstrual cycles and puberty

o Accumulation of dead skin cells

o Use of anabolic steroids

o Bacteria in the pores, to which the body becomes allergic too

o Skin irritation

o Any medication containing halogens

o Exposure to high levels of chlorine compounds

Getting acne vulgaris in your later years is not common but the development of rosacea which may have a similar appearance is. If you do suffer from adult acne this may be due to a underlying condition such as pregnancy or disorder. Dermatologists are seeing more cases of menopause-associated acne as fewer women replace the natural anti-acne ovarian hormone estradiol whose production fails as women arrive at menopause.

Acne vulgaris is a skin disorder which impacts us at some point during our lives, some more than others. Skin care is essential to help prevent or reduces the effects of acne.

For simple easy to understand information about acne, acne blemishes, acne treatment and rosacea visit Acne Cure [].

Article Source: [] Acne Vulgaris the Cause of Pain and Humiliation

Acne Vulgaris - The Cause

By []Noel Clarke 

The most common form of acne is referred to as "Acne Vulgaris". Alterations to your skin especially your hair follicles and the associated sebaceous glands cause inflammation of the skin . Pimples, zits, spots and acne are familiar names that identify Acne Vulgaris.

Acne Vulgaris is caused by the barring of your skin pores by dead cells, leading to the out break of acne. This results in the build up of oils created by the sebaceous glands (based under your
skin); which is a perfect environment for skin bacteria to multiply.  As the oil collects under your skin it becomes inflamed and creates a visible pimple on your skin. The face, chest, back, shoulders and upper arms are generally the most affected. 

Acne produces visible scars, but it's the emotional ones which can do the most damage, such as depression and low self-esteem, which has even led to suicide . 
Acne usually strikes during adolescence, and is more prominent in the western society.

Normally, as you age you will find that your acne lessens or disappears completely by the time you hit your twenties. But, unfortunately there is no strict time frame for acne vulgaris to vanish altogether, and some people suffer from acne well into their thirties and forties and sometimes even longer. Acne affects a large percentage of the human population at some point during their lives.

The question as to why people get acne has no real answer. It is not clear why some people get acne and others do not. It is partly due to genes, if your parents suffered from Acne Vulgaris, 
then the chances are you will to. 

Diet,  Stress,  Active Hormones - such as menstrual cycles, puberty and menopause, are  known to influence the onset of acne. Other factors include the build up of dead skin  cells and the use of anabolic steroids.  

As people age, they may suffer from Rosacea which has a similar appearance to acne vulgaris.  Acne Vulgaris is a skin disorder which impacts most people at some point in their lives. 

Some people are affected more severely than others, but in all cases It is necessary to treat acne symptoms early to deflect unnecessary pain and grief.

The Author Noel Clarke, has provided more information and resources at his site :
Cause of pimples and acne treatment []

Article Source: [] Acne Vulgaris - The Cause

Acne Vulgaris Treatment - How to Cure Cystic Acne!

By []Charles Gordon 

What is the best treatment for acne vulgaris? The unfortunate fact for many young men and women is that acne vulgaris, also called cystic acne is a very common skin disease and it isn't very easy to find a treatment that helps you get rid of it. However, don't give up just yet!

What is acne vulgaris?

Acne vulgaris affects mostly skin with the most dense population of sebaceous follicles and these areas include not only the face, but also the upper part of chest and the upper back. It can cause everything from Seborrhea (scaly red skin) and Nodules (large papules) to Comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) and Papules (pinheads). This disease is most common amongst boys and girls in their teenage years, but it often times also occurs in adult men and women.

Different treatment options

There are many treatment options available for this condition and while some of them may produce great results with some patients, others will barely get any help from that very same treatment. So let's take a closer look at how you can possibly cure your acne.

Oral drugs for acne

Vitamin A derivative (Isotretinoin) which is being marketed with brand names Roaccutane and Accutane is an oral drug that is usually prescribed for a period of 4 to 6 months. It can help patients both in short-term as well as long-term.. However, Isotretinoin does not usually cure acne completely and many patients have been disappointed to notice the return of acne vulgaris on their skin some time after they stop taking Accutane. 

It is believed that Isotretinoin primarily works by reducing the secretion of oils from the glands, although some of the studies and clinical trials suggest that it also affects other acne-related factors as well. 

There are some severe side effects caused by Accutane and this is why many men and women have not completed their treatment period. Most notorious of the side effects of course is dryness of skin, which can get so uncomfortable for the patient that they simply can't keep on taking this drug. More concerning is that there are reports which indicate that Accutane can actually damage the liver of patients. This drug also is not for pregnant women because it can cause causes birth defects. In fact female patients are nowadays required to use two separate forms of birth control in order to make sure they won't get pregnant without knowing it while on this treatment.

Natural treatment

In later years, many clinical trials have shown that acne vulgaris responds very well to natural treatment. Mixes of natural herbs have been giving some real relief from acne to many men and women of all ages and these type of treatments are getting more and more popular by the day.

One of the reasons for their increasing popularity as acne cure is that medications have not been able to do the job, so does speak. While most popular oral drugs aren't able to provide permanent cure for this very unpleasant skin disease, many natural herbs have worked much better for that. Patients have been able to improve the condition of their skin considerably and most have seen acne disappear for good. Another plus side is that there are no side effects whatsoever and that is a huge advantage over prescription drugs!

If you wish to try a natural treatment for acne vulgaris, there is a natural product that has been very popular among men and women suffering from cystic acne. It is called Clear Skin Max and I recommend you'll go and see what others think of it, read Clear Skin Max reviews [].

Article Source: [!&id=6988992] Acne Vulgaris Treatment - How to Cure Cystic Acne!

Acne Vulgaris - There is No Acne Vulgaris Treatment - Is That True?

By []Yulistina Fitri 

Acne vulgaris is the scientific name for acne. It is an inflammatory disease of the skin caused by changes in the pilosebaceous units. It affects around 60 % until 70 % of USA people and 20 % of them have severe acne. Acne vulgaris affects to skin area including face, upper chest and back.

There are some factors that cause acne vulgaris:

a. Genetics.
This is the easy example, if both parents have acne, then 3 from 4 of their children has a possibility to get acne from their parents. However, not all family will have the same condition as described above. Instead, their children have also chance to get excess sebum, the presence and activity of propionibacterium acnes, and inflammation.

b. Androgen hormones.
These hormones have function to release ovaries, testis and adrenal glands. Androgen hormones also promotes production of sebum and then release it.

c. Excess of sebum.
excess of sebum is caused by puberty. Production of sebum is also influenced by number of different hormones such as Androgen hormones.

d. Propionibacterium acnes.
Propionibacterium acnes is an anaerobic organism that promotes inflammation through variety of mechanism. 

 Acne vulgaris treatment:

For acne vulgaris treatment, dermatologist still don't know one treatment that can solve all your acne problem. They advice patient to try one treatment to another until they find the right solution for the patient. And it makes them frustrated.

Acne should be cured as soon as possible, as they can change very fast from mild to severe form. If you find your doctor advice doesn't work, maybe it's time for you to try natural treatment.

Click here to visit my blog:   Fast Acne Cure 

Yulistina Fitri

Article Source: [] Acne Vulgaris - There is No Acne Vulgaris Treatment - Is That True?

What is Acne Vulgaris and the Causes of It?

By []Dominique Brown 

Acne Vulgaris (also known as acne) is a common skin condition that affects around 55%-70% of people in the U.S in their lifetimes. Out of those people 20% of them will have severe acne which can scar them physically and mentally. Acne Vulgaris is the most common disease in the U.S and is known noninflammatory, closed or open comedowns, inflammatory papules, pustules, and nodules. The disease affects areas that have the densest amount of sebaceous follicles (oil glands) which are the face, back, and the upper part of the chest.

The causes of acne vulgaris come from 4 factors which the first is genetics. For example if both parents had acne then most likely 3 out of 4 of their children will have acne. For some families though this skin condition skips generations which is similar to other genetic conditions. What the children inherit from their parents is the higher chance of their sebaceous follicles being clogged which will lead to the skin condition. Other things that could be gotten from parents are inflammation, excess sebum, and the activity of P. (Propionibacterium) acnes.

Another of the main things that can trigger acne vulgaris is androgen hormones. These are hormones that are released ovaries, testis, and adrenal glands. Testosterone which is one of these hormones causes sebaceous follicle activity. Also androgen hormones receptors are found within sebaceous glands and if the receptors malfunction they do not cultivate acne. 

A third cause of acne vulgaris is an excess of sebum. Sebum is dictated by different mediators and hormones. A main factor in causing an excess in sebum is androgen hormones but even though it is most men and women who have acne vulgaris have a normal circulation of androgen hormones. Some other things that control sebum are growth hormones and insulin like growth factors.

Do You Want To Clear Your Skin Of Embarrassing Acne? Thousands Of People Clear There Skin Using Online Acne Treatments All The Time! If So   Click Here.

The Author Dominique Brown Is Currently Showing Reviews Of Some Of The Best Online Acne Treatments At

Article Source: [] What is Acne Vulgaris and the Causes of It?

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Acne Vulgaris - What About It?

By []Chimerenka Odimba 

There is a form of acne which is very common. This is Acne vulgaris also called common Acne of course because of its common nature. Teenagers are the greatest victims of this form of Acne. Any dermatologist would tell you that many of the cases they get are this particular form - Acne vulgaris.

Many teenagers who suffer from this condition also suffer from some loss of self confidence as they see the invasion of their bodies by these strangers. Acne vulgaris can be on the face, chest and back. While the chest and back can be covered, the face obviously can't be without raising questions. Combine the redness usually associated with the pimples and you get a very interesting picture that can discourage many a strong heart.

For many people not just teenagers, appearance is everything or at least very important. This simple fact makes this condition - Acne vulgaris seem such a great deal because its sufferers are always very concerned about its effect on them and this concern turns to worry and for some results in some form of depression as they see their chances of normal social activity reduced due to the perceived disfigurement caused by this condition. It is worsened by the fact that many of them do not know what to do about it or feel it is beyond their control.

Like most things in life, knowing the cause of a problem is a great help towards formulating a solution. This particular form of Acne is mostly caused by the fluctuating level of hormones in the body. As adolescents, going through puberty, lots of changes occur in the body and this changes are caused by certain hormone being secreted by the glands. This changes are quite rapid in nature and cause pimples to breakout on the skin.

This condition can also be cause by stress. The presence and persistence of stress an cause an outbreak. Acne caused by stress usually goes away when the stress is relieved. Genes also play a role in having this condition. If ones parents suffered or are currently suffering from this condition, then chances are that their offspring might have to deal with the same condition.

Sometimes when the body reacts to drugs taken, it shows in the form of an outbreak of Acne. This is why the use of narcotics can result in an outbreak and why drug addicts will usually have pimples on their skin.

Dirt is another common cause. When the pores are clogged, it gives the bacteria the opportunity to thrive. However, in a bid to keep the skin clean and the pores unclogged we can cause more problems by over-washing. Over-washing can cause the skin to get irritated and as the body tries to counter the irritation, the situation can worsen. If your condition is caused by bacteria in the pores, you would need an antibiotic to tackle the bacteria at source.

In treating Acne vulgaris, dermatologist usually prescribe Topical bactericides. This treatment is applied directly on the skin ( face and any other affected part). It attempts to treat the condition from outside in. It would gradually try to cut down the bacteria at the pores and work inwards to get underneath. If you have a mild case, then this treatment might be sufficient. If however you have a more serious case, there are other treatments like Topical antibiotics and oral antibiotics.

Take things easy and be rest assured that no matter the kind of Acne condition you have, there is a remedy.

Have an Acne free, younger looking and healthy skin.

Get help with your skincare Here []

Chimerenka Odimba

Article Source: [] Acne Vulgaris - What About It?

Acne Vulgaris Treatment

By []David Bloom 

Acne vulgaris is a form of acne that affects people all over the world. It is mainly found in teens, but adult cases are quite common. The exact cause of the condition is unknown.

All cases begin with a comedone, or acne lesion, that is clogged with oil and bacteria. It lies beneath the skin and grows as the skin produces oil (sebum). The bacteria feed off the oil and it can become enlarged and swollen. If this occurs, the skin in turn becomes irritated as white blood cells try to fight the inflammation.

If the clogged follicle stays beneath the surface of the skin, but does not become inflamed, it is called a whitehead, or closed comedone. If the plug enlarges and pushes through the skin's surface, it is called an open comedone or blackhead. The dark appearance of the plug is due to the melanin buildup on the surface and not dirt.

Acne vulgaris can cause skin to become inflamed. The mildest form of this inflammation is a papule, which appears as a small, hard bump on the skin. Pustules are similar to papules but they have a white or yellow center. This type of acne vulgaris is inflamed and causes irritation. A nodule is a large legion that can be painful and last for a few months. Cysts are similar to nodules, but are pus-filled and also leave deep scars. Both cause scarring and can last for a few months. A rare form is called acne conglobata. This is a condition that usually affects men between the ages of 18 to 30 years old. It affects the face, chest, back, upper arms, buttocks and thighs. It can cause severe scarring of the body.

Acne Vulgaris treatment can range from over-the-counter solutions such as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, found in popular topicals such as Clearasil and Stridex, which fight to clear the skin by reducing the bacteria on the surface and clearing the pores. Other over-the-counter methods that can be used are mild scrubs that will not irritate the skin or tea tree oil (an oil from Australia that has anti-bacterial properties).

Glycolic Acid, a fruit acid that exfoliates the skin to cause quicker cell turnover, works to clear pores quickly and fight clogged pores. In its earlier use, it was only used in a dermatologist's office, but now it can be purchased over-the-counter in low percentages of the acid.

For more severe cases, one must visit a dermatologist for stronger acne vulgaris treatment. Medications such as Accutane or Retin-A may be prescribed. Accutane, or isotretinonin, should only be used when the skin has not responded to other acne vulgaris treatment. It is usually very successful to clear skin of even the worst conditions, but it has serious side effects.

Most people will experience dry face and chapped lips when they take Accutane. Those two side effects are the most common; but other side effects are more serious such as birth defects, neurological and other physical problems and possibly depression. However, if your condition has not improved with OTC remedies, and Accutane is the last resort, the promise of a successful acne vulgaris treatment may outweigh the possible risks.

David Bloom is an avid health enthusiast and a regular contributor to a variety of health websites.  He is the author of []Acne Vulgaris Treatment, a blog dedicated to the treatment of acne, covering conventional and natural remedies for clearing up blemished skin.

Article Source: [] Acne Vulgaris Treatment

Acne Vulgaries

By []Fred Martimes 

Acne vulgaries is a skin disease and found in men and women equally. Acne includes whiteheads, blackheads, zits, pimples, outbreaks of lesions and deeper lumps. It appears on face, shoulders, back, upper arms and chest.

Types of acne vulgaries


Cysts papules



Secondary lesions

Scratched spots
Pigmented macules
Erythematous macules

Causes of acne vulgaris

Levels of hormones increase and skin glands produce more oil during puberty. These oils help to keep the skin moist. When oil mixes with dead skin cells, acne vulgaris gets start. The mixture becomes infected with bacteria and result is redness, pus-acne and swelling. Sometimes, it can be developed by specific medications. In some cases, hormones pass by mother to newborn baby, and baby gets acne.

Symptoms of acne vulgaris

It can be associated mild to severe. Mild acne may cause blackheads and whiteheads, but severe acne may cause various pimples on the skin. These lesions can leave scars after the treatment and this acne are painful. Acne can lead to depression and low self-esteem.


Physical examination will be performed by the doctor to diagnose the acne vulgaris. Health care provider will ask some questions about medical history from patients to determine the type of acne. There is no need of any special tests to diagnose acne.


The types of treatment depend on form of acne such as mild, moderate or severe. Treatment can include gels or specific lotions to remove the acne from the skin. Sometimes, oral medications or topical medications are prescribed by the doctor.

Mild acne

The treatment for mild acne such as blackheads, pimples or whiteheads may include benzoyl peroxide such as Benzac, Clearsil or Benoxyl or salicylic acid such as Stri-Dex, Clearsil or Propa pH or gentle cleansing with a mild soap such as Neutrogena or Dove.

Sometimes, topical lotions containing antibiotics or another medication for killing bacteria will be prescribed by the doctor to get better result.

Moderate to severe acne

Combinations of medications or therapies will be needed to treat acne vulgaris. Oral antibiotics can be given by the doctor to begin the healing process. There is a need a combination of various therapies for inflammatory acne. Treatment may include:

 Draining of cysts and pimples by a trained health professional.
Applying prescription retinoids.
Taking prescription oral retinoids.
Applying benzoyl peroxide.
Laser treatment.
High-intensity light wave therapy.
Applying azelaic acid.

Home treatment

Wash the affected skin twice a day.

Do not squeeze acne and touch it.

Avoid products such as cold creams, lip glosses, milky cleansers, that contain oils.

Use always nonprescription medicated soaps, gels, creams and lotions to remove the acne.

Use only water-based skin care products.

Nonprescription products include the following to treat acne:

 Benzoyl peroxide
Salicylic acid
Alpha-hydroxy acid
Tea tree oil


Avoid heavy sweating.
Wash the face regularly with mild soap and water.
Avoid hair care products such as mousses, gels and cream.
Avoid touching the affected skin.
Avoid exposure to harsh chemicals and oils.
Avoid excessive exposure to sun rays.

This article was brought to you by The Federal Journal [], the fresh new look at the world today. Packed with quality articles from quality writers worldwide.

Article Source: [] Acne Vulgaries

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Acne Vulgaris Treatments - Where to Find the Best Remedies

By []James A. Livingston 

If you are an acne vulgaris sufferer, you realize the urgency of finding a treatment that works quickly and safely. So, where is the best place to find these treatments? An acne vulgaris treatment can be found in a variety of different places and the exact treatment that will be used in your case depends on how severe the problem is, and what the exact cause of your acne is. It's important to understand what is causing your acne so that you can find an effective treatment that will remove it, and prevent it from reappearing.

Retail Shops

One good place to find treatments for acne vulgaris is in your local retail shop, where they're likely to have a good selection available. These treatments are most often used to address acne that has been caused by oily skin. The remedies available at these retail locations will not be as strong as those you'll find elsewhere, and are not meant to be used with great frequency.

Your Local Pharmacy

Most pharmacies will offer acne vulgaris treatments with various strength levels, and in various sizes. Many people like having various strength levels at their disposal, depending on the severity of their breakouts. A number of different manufacturers produce these remedies, and they are delivered to pharmacies across the globe.

Your pharmacist can also advise you about the top treatments for acne vulgaris, that are not too expensive, and not too harsh on the skin. In the end, the treatment that you go with will be the one that works most effectively for you.

Beauty and Skin Care Shops

If you still haven't found the treatment you're looking for, check out the options available at a local beauty/skin care shop. The treatments you'll find at a skin care store are typically much better than anything you'll find in a retail location and are generally considered to be the best quality. Acne vulgaris treatments that are purchased from a skin care/beauty store are most often made for daily use to be effectively prevent acne.

Click Here For A Guide To The Best Acne Vulgaris Treatments [], and read our in-depth review of Acne No More, an amazing natural acne treatment program. Plus, sign-up today for the FREE 6-Part Mini-Course, Freedom From Acne, available now at [].

Article Source: [] Acne Vulgaris Treatments - Where to Find the Best Remedies

What is Acne Vulgaris and How to Treat It

By []Eric Smiley 

Acne vulgaris is also recognized commonly as acne and this is a skin illness that affects mainly Caucasian people and mostly young men and women. This disease has characteristics of many follicular comedones and also with papules which consist of nodules when it's severe. Acne vulgaris mainly impacts that part of the skin exactly where there is a lot follicies. The region exactly where the infection is most likely to appear is the face and also the chest so as the back. When acne becomes inflammatory then it's severe, but it can also nevertheless show itself in a noninflammatory manner. Lesions of acne vulgaris could be sometimes known as spots or pimples.

Acne vulgaris generally occurs throughout someone's adolescent years and it affects more than 90% of teenagers and although it's meant to just last about the adolescent age, it can well venture into adulthood and be troublesome to some individuals. Acne in teenagers is primarily caused by the improve in sex hormones of which both genders experience during that time in puberty. In general pimple does vanish as someone grows much older or it reduces in visibility even though once someone enters their twenties, it becomes difficult to predict how long it will require to diminish. In some instances pimple vulagris lasts longer than the desired time and carry on right into the thirties which of course can be daunting for anyone. At times it even reaches the ages of forty and most would respond by obtaining some form of treatment.

It will always be the face, the neck and chest that are primarily affected and also the back too does get affected. Other areas of the body that may be noted or attacked with acne are the arms and shoulders. Nodulocystic is when the acne is more severe and is really inflammatory. Cysts are the name given towards the big nodules tends to appear in the armpits, the groin region and also the buttocks, just about anywhere exactly where there is hair which sweat particles can collect in. This acne tends to affect more skin tissues than what the common acne does.

Besides acne vulgaris attacking the skin and scarring, it also causes lots of psychological effects such as lack of confidence, lack of self esteem and although in very isolated instances it is often recognized to cause depression and suicide. The time in which pimple affects people is generally when they are self aware and quite specific about their appearance and looks. To lessen the impact, early treatment must be done, it might go away at a set time but most people may wish to do away with it very early as at times, teenagers do get some type of stigmatization.

Having acne vulgaris isn't a condition that's terminal. It will go away and it's really a phase one goes through throughout their adolescent ages just like man boobs for guys these are conditions that come as part of life and growing up and will soon disappear.

Visit my web site [] for three simple steps for acne vulgaris treatment [] and a diet list to prevent it coming back.

Article Source: [] What is Acne Vulgaris and How to Treat It

How to Treat Acne Vulgaris

By []Allan Pooh 

Acne is the usual term for the problem acne vulgaris. This skin problem usually starts during the teenage years and may hang on until a person is in their fifties. Technology has allowed us to analyze this skin problem and thus we already have solutions for it. Still, you'll find that most people are still having acne. One thing you should know is that a pimple is not an acne. If you just have one, then that's just a pimple. However, if the pimples start to pile up, then that's probably acne.

Acne basically sets in when a person hits puberty. This is because the skin starts to stimulate copious amount of oil. This causes the pores to clog, accumulate dirt and thus erupt into one big pimple. More females have acne although males get the more severe cases. When treating your acne, here are some things you might want to know.

Treatment of Acne Vulgaris

The severity of the condition usually predicts the treatment for acne vulgaris used. Cleansers with benzyl peroxide are usually used for mild acne. Even homemade recipes have been proven to work. You'll notice that some of natural methods for acne include cucumber and garlic.

However, a different approach is called for when it comes to severe cases. Antibiotics that include erythromycin, clindamycin and tetracycline are usually used for acne vulgaris treatment. However, these can only be taken as prescribed by professionals.

Preventing Acne Vulgaris

The usual and best approach for acne is treating the existent ones and preventing others from showing up. Now, it's actually easier to learn how to eliminate acne than getting rid of the ones that are already there. By constantly cleaning your face and ensuring that no pores are clogged, then it is possible to minimize the growth of pimples. In fact, if you want to find out how to stop acne, then just continue what you're doing for treatment. Using toners and cleansers regularly is good. Also, your diet also has significant effect on acne.

One more thing, those who exercise regularly don't really suffer from acne. The reason for this is that sweat turns into a cleanser that flushed out the toxins in our body. Just make sure that you manage to clean yourself thoroughly after having a good sweat. When drying up, always remember to pat your face and not rub it vigorously.

Treating Scars

Don't worry if you have acne scars. You can use both orange and lemon peels when treating scars. Also, some commercial products are capable of lightening skin to remove scars. One technology inspired way of removing acne scars is dermabrasion. This removes the first layer of the skin, allowing a new batch to grow. However, the amount of time it takes the skin to grow is longer than expected plus the process itself is painful.

Do you want more information about how to stop acne []? Check out the website of Allan Pooh. You will find a lot of additional information about how to stop acne [].

Article Source: [] How to Treat Acne Vulgaris

Monday, 7 September 2015

Acne Vulgaris Treatment - How to Cure it Fast and Permanently

By []Joseph Cowell 

Acne vulgaris is usually referred to common acne. It is usually caused by changes in the pilosebaceous units such as the hair follicle and sebaceous gland. It also occurs at places where there is the densest sebaceous follicle on our body. This condition can be severe and around 89% of the population in the world suffers from acne. That is why many people are searching for effective acne vulgaris treatment.

Many people do not know what the exact causes of acne are and hence they fail to cure it. Acne happens when there is excess sebum production and clogged pores in our hair follicles. But what is it that causes them in the first place? Majority of the people rush to the nearest pharmacies to buy acne creams and gels but this is not the best solution. These products usually only touches the surface of the problem by killing the bacteria on skin surface, drying up your skin or exfoliate your skin and clear them up of dead skin cells.

However when you are just touching the surface of the problems, the underlying problems in your body that causes these factors still exist. It is just like trying to get rid of the ants but leaving the ant nest intact. So what are some of the ways you can use to get to the root of the problem that causes acne?

Adopting the holistic approach of healing is the best acne vulgaris treatment. Traditional ways of treating acne can only help you to deal with symptoms of acne while holistic way of treating acne treats your body as a whole and promotes healing from your body within. 

The first thing you need to take note is your diet. Eating a western diet can cause many problems for our health in the long run. We are eating too many foods that are high in sugar content and fat. Our food right now are also lacking nutrients as they are mass produced and plants may be growing in soil that are lacking nutrients and minerals. Worse of all, there are lots of chemicals in our food such as addictive and preservatives are added into it to extend the shelf life.

The one thing you have to look out for in your holistic acne vulgaris treatment is to eliminate high sugar content food from your diet. These food can cause insulin rush in your body that can affect your hormones level and increase the amount of pro inflammatory hormones that can lead to break outs. Foods like cereals, crackers, white bread, pasta and donuts are examples of food that are high in sugar. To kiss acne away, you have to replace these foods with healthier alternatives like fruits and vegetables.

It is also recommended that you take supplements daily as some of our foods do not provide the essential nutrients that we need to keep our immune system strong. If you are taking organic food, this will not be a problem. 

Effective acne vulgaris treatment does not includes only using acne creams to heal, you will have to treat your body as a whole and cure it from within by eating food that heal. Once you can accomplish this, you can see your acne condition improving drastically. So kiss your acne goodbye now by using holistic ways to cure acne.

Next, learn more about holistic []acne vulgaris treatment that can help cure your acne permanently.

Joseph is a past acne sufferer and he discovered the methods that helped him to cure his acne in just a few days time. Visit []Acne Healing Blog to learn how to cure your acne fast and naturally.

Article Source: [] Acne Vulgaris Treatment - How to Cure it Fast and Permanently

Have You Heard Of Acne Vulgaris?

By []Christain Cullen 

One of the most important factors we all are concerned with every single day is our appearance. We all want to look presentable, be healthy and have skin that glows. However, at times, our skin suffers; different types of diseases such as acne vulgaris, which is hard, painful and hard to cure often occur

How Does The Term Acne Vulgaris Occur?

Our skin releases natural oils (also known as sebum) through the pores (also known as follicles), when these pores are blocked for reasons still not clearly known by doctors, acne is formed.

Acne vulgaris is the most common type of acne and it manifests in various forms such as: whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, nodules and cysts. You may have one or all of the above mentioned forms of acne vulgaris as they all form the same way but are each treated very differently.

Treatment Pattern For Acne Vulgaris

The first thing to do when you have an acne outbreak is to determine what type it is as well as your skin type in order to proceed for a treatment pattern. Even if many insist that acne can be cured, the truth is as research found out that there is no cure but only treatment which will help you out grow the outbreak; this does not mean you may never have an attack again.

There are many treatments for acne vulgaris some of which include natural remedies and others the traditional drugs and creams. Determining what is right for you should not be done through word of mouth or through other's experiences but with precise diagnosis from your doctor. Only your doctor can test your skin type and decide what combination of creams and medications may work best in your case. Remember we are all different and what may work great on some may in fact have no effect on your skin.

The Old Saying - Prevention Is So Much Better Than Cure.

Research shows that it is better to prevent acne vulgaris even before it outbreaks and thus, keeping it under control is a lot easier than dealing with the full-blown acne vulgaris outbreak. So, if you had acne before or your doctor suggests you are predisposition to the diseases, it may be a wise choice to start a prevention treatment.

It is also very important that you don't stop a treatment mid way because the acne cured or because you don't see any change, in both cases you must finish the treatment and then decide on the next step otherwise you may cause yourself more damage and pain in the process. 

Acne vulgaris can be kept under control and can be prevented as well as it can be out grown naturally with patience and perseverance, which I know we must impose on ourselves if we want that glowing healthy skin back.

This article was brought to you by Christain Cullen [] who is a successful webmaster and writer and can be reprinted as long as it is unedited with all links included.

For more information about Acne prevention, why not visit our acne pages. []

Article Source: [] Have You Heard Of Acne Vulgaris?

Get Acne Vulgaris Treatment To Clear The Condition Permanently

By []Sandra Wellington 

Acne Vulgaris, popularly known as common acne, is the common form of acne which affects most people. Everyone is prone to suffer from acne outbreaks at one point in life, and it is therefore important to understand how acne develops and the Acne Vulgaris treatment options available to clear the condition permanently.

How acne develops on the skin

Hormonal changes are known to be the main cause of acne development; acne affects more than 85% of teenagers going through puberty, because their hormone levels increase as their bodies mature. The rise in hormone levels results in the over-stimulation of the sebaceous glands, which in turn clogs up the skin pores giving rise to what we know as Acne Vulgaris. This type of acne is commonly found on the face, cheeks and the general upper body region. This type of acne is not known to cause scarring and it is therefore considered as a mild form of acne outbreak. People who develop inflamed acne, known as cysts acne, should seek immediate medical attention because in most cases the condition arises as a result of a skin infection.

The available Acne Vulgaris treatment options

There are several treatment options when it comes to clearing acne outbreaks from the skin. The first thing that you should know is that the various acne remedies available in the market have different effects on different people. Most people go for topical creams, but these creams may irritate the skin and worst still aggravate the condition. The same applies to oral medications and that is why it is always best to seek medical advice in order to get the right form of treatment for your particular condition.

The natural treatment options available include lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, ginger root, milk of magnesia and rose-water. There are also topical creams which contain natural ingredients, while most contain synthetic ingredients. Topical creams are formulated to kill the acne causing bacteria and clear the condition. However, a number of people do not respond well to topical creams especially in the case of individuals with sensitive skins.

Oral antibiotics are also available to clear the condition, and they are also formulated to restore hormonal balance which is often the root cause of acne outbreaks. Individuals who develop the condition as a side effect of taking other forms of medications often get rid of the condition once they stop using the offensive medication. However, the best permanent Acne Vulgaris treatment method is to identify the root cause of the condition and use the precise medications formulated to clear the condition.

Get professional treatment for acne

It goes without saying that the first stop should be the doctor's office, to get a recommendation on the right form of treatment for your particular condition. Individuals who suffer from severe acne outbreaks or recurring acne outbreaks should definitely consult with a physician. In some cases, laser treatment may be prescribed to permanently clear the condition.

It is important to understand how acne develops in order to get the right Acne Vulgaris treatment regime. If the condition persists, it is best to seek medical help from a physician.

Acne is a very troubling disease for those who suffer from the effects of this annoying condition. For many people it can be a total embarrassment if it is very serious, and the best way is to reach to the root of its causes and try to find a solution. To treat acne, you must follow the right treatment under the supervision of a good dermatologist. For more information and advice, please visit us at

Now, I invite you to take a look at where you will discover more with us on how to deal with the effects of acne and find the best treatment to clear the condition permanently.

Article Source: [] Get Acne Vulgaris Treatment To Clear The Condition Permanently

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Acne Vulgaris Treatment

By []Gareth Green 

As it affects most of us at some point, Acne Vulgaris (common acne) is a condition that we need a fast and efficient treatment for. Where we look for an acne vulgaris treatment depends on a variety of factors. These include underlying causes, the severity of the condition and how often you suffer from an outbreak. Here we will look at the available options when choosing an acne vulgaris treatment.

Our local store will usually be the first place we turn to for acne treatments. They will stock a range of products from topical gels and creams to gentle cleansers and soaps. Many of these stores are not skin care specialists so the choice available can be limited, however for infrequent mild breakouts they can usually supply what we are looking for.

You may wish to consider a more specialized alternative if you discover your local retailer can't cater to your needs. Found in large department stores or as smaller independents, skin care retailers may well be able to offer you what you require. As well as better trained staff they will carry a far wider range of products. One thing to note, whilst offering a better quality acne vulgaris treatment, they will probably be much more expensive.

If you have a more severe outbreak of acne then you may need to think about what your local pharmacy has to offer. One of the main benefits will be the opportunity to receive advice from a trained pharmacist. They will usually be able to supply a more powerful version of the topical gels supplied by your local store. When using these gels be aware of possible side effects, such as very dry skin, as they can be up to four times stronger. You may need an acne vulgaris treatment prescribed by your doctor for more severe cases. These will usually be available in the form of an antibiotic, either as a pill or as a cream to be applied directly.

It is recommended you seek the advice of a medical practitioner if you have long term problems with acne. They will be able to advise on some of the underlying reasons for your condition as well as advising on acne vulgaris treatment options.

For more information on Acne Vulgaris check out [] For tips and ideas on how to treat acne go to []

Article Source: [] Acne Vulgaris Treatment

Cure Acne Vulgaris Fast And Permanently - The Solution Revealed

By []Blair W Wallace 

Acne Vulgaris is the general name given to common types of acne such as pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. You, like millions of other sufferers, might think that it is incurable. If so, then you're wrong. There is a treatment available that can get rid of acne vulgaris quickly and permanently.

Overactive sebaceous glands are the immediate cause of acne vulgaris. They produce excess oil that combines with dead skin cells to block pores in your skin. This creates an ideal environment for bacteria, inflaming the surrounding tissue and producing all the classic acne symptoms.

Most sufferers react to an outbreak of acne vulgaris by rushing off to see a dermatologist or buying expensive creams from their local pharmacy. Sadly, these solutions rarely work. They may succeed in reducing the severity of outbreaks, but any improvement is usually only temporary. Indeed, many acne medications have harmful side effects that outweigh their benefits.

If you want to cure yourself of acne vulgaris then you must use a treatment that neutralises your acne triggers. Most sufferers make the mistake of using 'cures' that target the symptoms but ignore the underlying causes of their condition. For example, you could buy a chemical to remove excess oil from your skin, but a better approach would be to stop your sebaceous glands producing so much oil in the first place.

The underlying causes of your acne vulgaris are internal and may include:

An imbalance of hormones such as happens to adolescents or women during pregnancy.
Toxins in the body that build up to high levels.
Poor internal and external hygiene.
Stress due to, for example, a lack of sleep.
Lifestyle issues such as a poor diet.

These acne triggers also interact with each other in ways that aggravate your skin condition. A person's genetic makeup determines the nature of these interactions, and so their impacts vary from person to person.

Obviously, a person's 'internal acne environment' is a complicated place. You'll find that conventional acne treatments nearly all target only one underlying cause and so either don't work or produce a partial improvement that is often temporary. If you want a smooth, well-toned skin then you need a treatment that:

Will neutralise all the internal factors contributing to your skin acne.
Will establish and maintain a natural internal balance to ensure that your skin condition is cured permanently.
Is easily customised for your body's unique requirements.
Is simple, realistic, and easy to incorporate in your current lifestyle.
Cures your skin acne permanently and quickly, within weeks or just a few months.
Provides ongoing counseling and support from competent health professionals.

Such a treatment can free you forever from acne vulgaris and save you all the emotional anxiety that is part and parcel of being an acne sufferer. It will also save you large sums of money that would otherwise be spent on medications that either don't work or work short term.

If you've been searching unsuccessfully for an effective treatment for []acne vulgaris then you should consider trying the holistic approach. It is a safe, natural alternative that attacks the underlying causes of acne without resorting to drugs or special creams. It works on all parts of the body and is effective against all types of acne.

The 'Acne No More' system is a step-by-step holistic method that can get rid of acne vulgaris quickly and permanently. It has all the advantages and will provide all the benefits outlined in this article. If you'd like to read about it, you can do so here: []

Article Source: [] Cure Acne Vulgaris Fast And Permanently - The Solution Revealed

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Acne Vulgaris Treatment - Easy, But Effective Ways

By []Eric Smiley

Acne Vulgaris treatment mainly depends on the state of the acne, whether it is a mild one, moderate or a worse one. At times your medical practitioner might mix different acne remedies in order to stop the development of a medication resistant bacterium. The treating acne vulgaris usually includes ointments and lotions which you rub all over your body or just the affected area. Some medication is taken orally and also the various forms of acne vulgaris treatment methods will be outlined below.

Mild Acne Vulgaris

The treating mild acne vulgaris which may merely consist of blackheads and or pimples will consist of using gentle soaps for example Dove. The mildness of these soap with the likes of Neutrogena will gently wash and cleanse the area affected, bringing you fair looking epidermis and eventually the disappearance with the acne. You can even apply a chemical like Benzol peroxide and can also apply Salicylic acid. The PH levels of these chemicals will help fight the existence of acne and results will probably be achieved in due course. However should these treatments not work you'll have to consult your medical practitioner who might prescribe something stronger or monitor your condition. Certain antibiotic lotions can get the job done.

Severe and moderate Acne Vulgaris

When you've got severe acne you will have to take stronger medication and other therapies if possible. Nodules have the possibility to leave scars and so do cysts and your medical practitioner may need to give antibiotics to start the healing process sooner. With acne that's inflammatory there may be a need for combining numerous remedies. Remedy for Moderate and severe acne cases involves the application of benzol peroxide; the drainage of cysts by your doctor; the application of antibiotic lotions and cream. You may even need to apply azalaic acid and take your prescribed drugs for example antibiotics and or retinoids.

By using the techniques pointed out above you can remain having scars which will need to be removed. By using a mixture of different treatment methods you can get rid of the scars. Techniques for example using Collagen injections which smooth the skin; Laser resurfacing which burns away scars; Chemabrasion when the chemicals get rid of layers of the skin and Dermabrasion which skims off scars.

When getting these treatment methods you have to know and note that the time it takes to have acne removed is generally about 7 weeks and at times your skin situation may go bad before it gets better. Ought to your condition not improve by that time or slightly longer, then you can need to revisit your practitioner. At times with women birth control tablets are recognized to manage acne, getting smaller doses of the pills will control the appearance of acne for the women just prior to they go on their menstruation cycle.

Isotretinoin could be recommended to those that have acne conditions that don't are improving after taking the other treatment forms mentioned before. Istretinoin is really costly.

If you want the latest information about acne vulgaris treatment [] please visit my website []

Article Source: [,-But-Effective-Ways&id=4468398] Acne Vulgaris Treatment - Easy, But Effective Ways

How to Treat and Get Rid of Acne Vulgaris

By []Eric Smiley

If you want to eliminate acne vulgaris, which is one priority, you should look at doing so naturally, especially for those who have an agenda and your face suddenly pops up with acne spots which can be a nightmare for you. Well unfortunately, there are no quick natural methods that will help in eliminating acne and the certain methods that are used on other people may not necessarily work on you. So, be it how quick you want to get rid of the acne, you will have to take the longer route of going for treatment.

Even though there is not a single particular solution to eliminate acne, there are many treatment ways and methods regarding how to treat it and some will be outlined later in our discussion. One of the first and easy to understand tips on eliminating acne vulgaris naturally is taking in a lot of water. Taking lots of water will wash out the acne causing agents to cleanse your skin, leaving it smooth. This has been known to work and should you want acne to leave naturally, then you must fall in love with water. Another way of removing acne vulgaris is reducing and reducing sugars and the drinking of coke. Instead of drinking sweet drinks you should drink plenty of water, about eight glasses a day will keep your skin well hydrated and acne cannot form on hydrated skin. Dead cells on the skin will lead to the formation of acne if your skin is properly hydrated.

More ways of eliminating acne vulgaris naturally include taking supplements. Supplements will allow you to quicken the operation of getting rid of acne and it is wise to know that nowadays the majority of the foods that we consume are more of refined foods and don't contain the necessary minerals and nutrients that the skin requires for flourishing and to stop acne from growing.

Besides the drinking of water and not drinking sweet drinks, there are some things like stress that may contribute to acne formation. This isn't always proven medically, but it is thought that stress may contribute to acne formation, especially during the adolescent stage. When a person is stressed, the body emits hormones called cortisols. These hormones can actually make the acne condition worsen and so you must try go ahead and to avoid stress and instead relax and partake in yoga, which will definitely significantly help in removing acne naturally.

Having a good and proper diet plays a major role in eliminating acne vulgaris naturally. Although most do not think that acne and food are related, studies have shown that having a bad or poor diet consisting of sugars and refined foods does have an impact on acne. Try reducing on the number of sugars you take and take in more fruits, juices, vegetables and if you want to a snack to eat between meals, then try eating peanuts instead of chocolates.

Visit [] for a more detailed diet list, herbal treatments, and 3 more tips about acne vulgaris treatment [].

Article Source: [] How to Treat and Get Rid of Acne Vulgaris

The Only Way to Cure Acne Vulgaris Uncovered

By []Mike Walden

The acne vulgaris is also commonly known as the 'common acne'. It is a condition of the skin that is characterized by the inflammation of the skin. It is externally triggered by changes in the skin structure and excessive secretion of the sebum from the sebaceous glands. Acne vulgaris in fact comprises of all common types of pimples and zits. Acne vulgaris like any other acne type occurs during the adolescent age but can continue in the adult age and with some people they keep occurring for years.

The most important step that you need to take while trying to cure acne vulgaris is to understand why they are caused. Contrary to the external symptoms of the acne vulgaris namely the production of excess sebum and the blocking up of hair follicles by dead skin cells which leads to the perfect environment for acne bacteria, the internal causes much serious and deep rooted.

If you can tackle the internal causes then you'll be able to spare yourself years of misery, pain and disappointment and of course save yourself from wasting thousands of dollars on useless acne treatments that won't even help you.

One major negative side of using conventional methods to treat acne vulgaris is the side effects that can be caused by taking these medications for a long time span. And not only side effects theses medications at times worsen the condition and also lead to severe scars. Unless treated properly acne vulgaris can lead to real bad scars that can ruin a person's self esteem drastically.

The only correct way to cure acne vulgaris is by taking care of the internal factors that cause acne by following the holistic approach. Only using holistic approach, you will be able to cure and prevent acne vulgaris from occurring.

Mike Walden is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Acne No More- Open The Door To an Acne Free Life". Mike has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.

To Learn More About Mike Walden'` Unique 5-Step Holistic Acne Cure System Visit: []Acne Treatment

Article Source: [] The Only Way to Cure Acne Vulgaris Uncovered