Wednesday, 9 September 2015

How to Treat Acne Vulgaris

By []Allan Pooh 

Acne is the usual term for the problem acne vulgaris. This skin problem usually starts during the teenage years and may hang on until a person is in their fifties. Technology has allowed us to analyze this skin problem and thus we already have solutions for it. Still, you'll find that most people are still having acne. One thing you should know is that a pimple is not an acne. If you just have one, then that's just a pimple. However, if the pimples start to pile up, then that's probably acne.

Acne basically sets in when a person hits puberty. This is because the skin starts to stimulate copious amount of oil. This causes the pores to clog, accumulate dirt and thus erupt into one big pimple. More females have acne although males get the more severe cases. When treating your acne, here are some things you might want to know.

Treatment of Acne Vulgaris

The severity of the condition usually predicts the treatment for acne vulgaris used. Cleansers with benzyl peroxide are usually used for mild acne. Even homemade recipes have been proven to work. You'll notice that some of natural methods for acne include cucumber and garlic.

However, a different approach is called for when it comes to severe cases. Antibiotics that include erythromycin, clindamycin and tetracycline are usually used for acne vulgaris treatment. However, these can only be taken as prescribed by professionals.

Preventing Acne Vulgaris

The usual and best approach for acne is treating the existent ones and preventing others from showing up. Now, it's actually easier to learn how to eliminate acne than getting rid of the ones that are already there. By constantly cleaning your face and ensuring that no pores are clogged, then it is possible to minimize the growth of pimples. In fact, if you want to find out how to stop acne, then just continue what you're doing for treatment. Using toners and cleansers regularly is good. Also, your diet also has significant effect on acne.

One more thing, those who exercise regularly don't really suffer from acne. The reason for this is that sweat turns into a cleanser that flushed out the toxins in our body. Just make sure that you manage to clean yourself thoroughly after having a good sweat. When drying up, always remember to pat your face and not rub it vigorously.

Treating Scars

Don't worry if you have acne scars. You can use both orange and lemon peels when treating scars. Also, some commercial products are capable of lightening skin to remove scars. One technology inspired way of removing acne scars is dermabrasion. This removes the first layer of the skin, allowing a new batch to grow. However, the amount of time it takes the skin to grow is longer than expected plus the process itself is painful.

Do you want more information about how to stop acne []? Check out the website of Allan Pooh. You will find a lot of additional information about how to stop acne [].

Article Source: [] How to Treat Acne Vulgaris

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