Sunday, 31 May 2015

Severe Acne Vulgaris - Natural and Herbal Treatment of Severe Acne Vulgaris

By []Natalie Pennybrook

Acne Vulgaris - Severe:


Nodules are inflamed, pus-filled lesions which are seated deep within the skin. Nodules form when the contaminated debris of a comedo empties into the surrounding skin and infects adjoining follicles. Your immune system responds to this by sending white blood cells to the affected area thereby creating pus.

Nodules can be painful, last for months and acne scarring is common. You should never squeeze a nodule as this can result in trauma to the area resulting in the nodule lasting for months. Impactions can also be left resulting in the nodule flaring up repeatedly.


Cysts are large, inflamed lesions and are described as having a diameter of more than 5mm. They feel like
soft, fluid-filled lumps under the skin's surface.

Cysts develop from a break in the follicle wall. From there a membrane forms around the infection in the dermis. Do not squeeze a cyst as this can result in a deeper infection and a increased inflammation. Scarring can also result after cystic acne.

Severe Forms of Acne:

These are rare and can lead to disfiguring:

Acne Conglobata

This is a rare but extremely serious form of inflammatory acne. The onset of acne conglobata is usually between the ages of 18 and 30 years.

It can be found primarily on the chest, back and buttock areas of the body. Acne conglobata is characterized by large lesions that are sometime interconnected. In addition to the presence of pustules and nodules, there could be bacterial infection.

Acne conglobata can cause severe damage to the skin and scarring.

Acne Fulminans

Acne Fulminans is an abrupt onset of acne conglobata. It is unique in that fever and aching of the joints is experienced. Disfiguring scarring is commonplace.

Gram-Negative Folliculitis

Gram-Negative Folliculitis is a bacterial infection and is characterized by pustules and cysts. It is arare condition.

Pyoderma Faciale

Pyoderma faciale is characterized by nodules, pustules and sores. It begins extremely abruptly, is confined to the face, affects only females and can lead to scarring.

The most comprehensive listing of herbal acne treatment products [] can be found on my site.

Learn about Acne, What Causes Acne, Types of Acne, Stages of Acne and how you can effectively use a range of home, herbal and natural acne remedy products [] to solve Acne breakouts permanently! Educate and empower yourself now. You no longer need to suffer the emotional damages that acne brings. Learn more about the disorder and how to rapidly treat it with the best herbal treatment of acne solutions. Be Acne Free Now!

Article Source: [] Severe Acne Vulgaris - Natural and Herbal Treatment of Severe Acne Vulgaris

Saturday, 30 May 2015

Treat Acne Vulgaris - Get Rid of Acne Naturally

By []Jacob Collins

Acne is a highly common problem specially among the teens and adolescents but is not uncommon to find adults plagued with the same.

The most common form of this disorder is called Acne Vulgaris and if you have been diagnosed with it, you need not think that it is some unknown or peculiar kind of acne.

This form of acne is often associated with blackheads, whiteheads, pimples or zits and can occur anywhere on face, shoulders, neck, chest, back etc.,

This is a perfectly curable condition and though there are several home remedies, it is better to opt for something that is 100% natural and clinically approved as well. A perfect treatment is one that not only helps you get rid of pimples but also prevents future flare ups.

This is where most topical treatments or creams fail and it is largely because this is a condition that has to be treated from the outside as well as the inside. Hence, it calls for something more than a mere topical ointment or cream.

Your hormones play a significant role in the breakouts. Moreover, the growth of bacteria is what makes a follicle into a pimple and it is possible to eliminate this bacteria with the help of herbal supplements.

While a gentle face or body wash helps you get rid of dirtt and also unclogs the pores, you need a body or facial cream to avoid future breakouts..

Thus, a complete approach is what is necessary for getting rid of zits and also preventing future flare ups.

Check out more on How to []Treat Acne Vulgaris and the most natural systems to help you get rid of those ugly pimples.

Jacob Collins has an extensive experience in helping people get rid of acne.

Check out more on How to Clear Pimples [] with the help of most natural and safe acne treatment.

Article Source: [] Treat Acne Vulgaris - Get Rid of Acne Naturally

Friday, 29 May 2015

Acne Vulgaris the Cause of Pain and Humiliation

By []Jin Kahlon

Acne has many forms but the most common is referred to as "Acne Vulgaris", meaning "common acne". Acne vulgaris is an inflammatory disease of the skin, caused by changes to your skin structures which, consists of hair follicle and its associated sebaceous glands. Acne lesions are commonly referred to as pimples, spots or zits.

What causes Acne Vulgaris

Acne is caused by the blocking of your pores by dead skin cells which subsequently block the hair follicle. This results in the build up of oils produced by the sebaceous glands (these are found under your skin); a perfect environment for skin bacteria to multiply uncontrollably.

The outcome of this build up of bacteria under your skin is the skin inflames, producing the visible lesion (acne). The face, chest, back, shoulders and upper arms are especially affected

Aside from acne scarring the main impact of acne is psychological, such as reduced self-esteem, depression or suicide. Acne usually strikes during adolescence and is more prominent in the western society. It is considered an abnormal response to normal levels of the male hormone testosterone.

As time progresses acne tends to disappear or decrease by the time you reach your early twenties. There is no time frame for acne vulgaris to disappear entirely and some people even suffer from acne decades later, into their thirties and forties and maybe longer. Acne affects a large percentage of the human population at some point during their lives.

Why Have I Got Acne?

A very valid question and unfortunately one that does not have an answer. It is not clear why some people get acne and some people do not. It is partly due to who you are (hereditary). Several factors are known to be linked to acne:

o Diet

o Stress

o Active Hormones - such as menstrual cycles and puberty

o Accumulation of dead skin cells

o Use of anabolic steroids

o Bacteria in the pores, to which the body becomes allergic too

o Skin irritation

o Any medication containing halogens

o Exposure to high levels of chlorine compounds

Getting acne vulgaris in your later years is not common but the development of rosacea which may have a similar appearance is. If you do suffer from adult acne this may be due to a underlying condition such as pregnancy or disorder. Dermatologists are seeing more cases of menopause-associated acne as fewer women replace the natural anti-acne ovarian hormone estradiol whose production fails as women arrive at menopause.

Acne vulgaris is a skin disorder which impacts us at some point during our lives, some more than others. Skin care is essential to help prevent or reduces the effects of acne.

For simple easy to understand information about acne, acne blemishes, acne treatment and rosacea visit Acne Cure [].

Article Source: [] Acne Vulgaris the Cause of Pain and Humiliation

What Is The Difference Between Acne Vulgaris and Acne Rosacea?

By []Steve Morin

Although it may appear as if all acne is the same, you could not be more wrong. There are actually several different forms, and basically two main types of acne. The first main type being Acne Vulgaris and the second main type being Acne Rosacea. These two main forms of acne have extremely damaging effects on your skin, but to fully comprehend this, you need to understand what is the difference between Acne Vulgaris and Acne Rosacea.

The most common acne that most people suffer from at some point in time during their teenage and sometimes adult years is Acne Vulgaris. This consists of those annoying pimples with black or white heads. A shocking 85% of people suffer from this form of acne on into the adult stage of life. Looking once again at our question of what is the difference between Acne Vulgaris and Acne Rosacea, we now take a glance at what exactly Acne Rosacea is.

Acne Rosacea is somewhat more intense in that it affects an entire section of a persons body, whether it be on their face, back, arms, etc. The appearance of large red spots is a direct result of the bloody supplying capillaries to the face or otherwise, are continually dilated, allowing for an excess amount of blood flowing into the affected area. While not being necessarily uncomfortable physically, Acne Rosacea can be extremely painful in the sense of affecting a teens self-esteem as well as an adult's.

When queried, "What is the difference between Acne Vulgaris and Acne Rosacea?" Most dermatologists have pointed out the fact that most usually Acne Vulgaris is the most common of the two skin disorders, and usually affects teens more than any other age group to date. Acne Rosacea is the more extreme type and can be found in any age group but most often does not appear before the age of 30. Being more prone to affecting women than men, both types of acne are not something to be ignored.

If you are searching for what is the difference between Acne Vulgaris and Acne Rosacea, your dermatologist is, of course, your best source for unbiased information. As with any course of treatment or research into skin disorders and skin diseases, seeking assistance and information from your general health care practitioner or dermatologist is the wisest way of getting excellent information and treatment education first hand.

Steve Morin is an ex-sufferer of adult
acne [] and is now an authority in the area of Acne Treatment []. Steve has experimented with many different acne cures to find the very best that will help her get rid of acne.

You can visit his website for more information about these acne remedies []

Article Source: [] What Is The Difference Between Acne Vulgaris and Acne Rosacea?

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Acne Vulgaris Treatment - How to Cure it Fast and Permanently

By []Joseph Cowell

Acne vulgaris is usually referred to common acne. It is usually caused by changes in the pilosebaceous units such as the hair follicle and sebaceous gland. It also occurs at places where there is the densest sebaceous follicle on our body. This condition can be severe and around 89% of the population in the world suffers from acne. That is why many people are searching for effective acne vulgaris treatment.

Many people do not know what the exact causes of acne are and hence they fail to cure it. Acne happens when there is excess sebum production and clogged pores in our hair follicles. But what is it that causes them in the first place? Majority of the people rush to the nearest pharmacies to buy acne creams and gels but this is not the best solution. These products usually only touches the surface of the problem by killing the bacteria on skin surface, drying up your skin or exfoliate your skin and clear them up of dead skin cells.

However when you are just touching the surface of the problems, the underlying problems in your body that causes these factors still exist. It is just like trying to get rid of the ants but leaving the ant nest intact. So what are some of the ways you can use to get to the root of the problem that causes acne?

Adopting the holistic approach of healing is the best acne vulgaris treatment. Traditional ways of treating acne can only help you to deal with symptoms of acne while holistic way of treating acne treats your body as a whole and promotes healing from your body within.

The first thing you need to take note is your diet. Eating a western diet can cause many problems for our health in the long run. We are eating too many foods that are high in sugar content and fat. Our food right now are also lacking nutrients as they are mass produced and plants may be growing in soil that are lacking nutrients and minerals. Worse of all, there are lots of chemicals in our food such as addictive and preservatives are added into it to extend the shelf life.

The one thing you have to look out for in your holistic acne vulgaris treatment is to eliminate high sugar content food from your diet. These food can cause insulin rush in your body that can affect your hormones level and increase the amount of pro inflammatory hormones that can lead to break outs. Foods like cereals, crackers, white bread, pasta and donuts are examples of food that are high in sugar. To kiss acne away, you have to replace these foods with healthier alternatives like fruits and vegetables.

It is also recommended that you take supplements daily as some of our foods do not provide the essential nutrients that we need to keep our immune system strong. If you are taking organic food, this will not be a problem.

Effective acne vulgaris treatment does not includes only using acne creams to heal, you will have to treat your body as a whole and cure it from within by eating food that heal. Once you can accomplish this, you can see your acne condition improving drastically. So kiss your acne goodbye now by using holistic ways to cure acne.

Next, learn more about holistic []acne vulgaris treatment that can help cure your acne permanently.

Joseph is a past acne sufferer and he discovered the methods that helped him to cure his acne in just a few days time. Visit []Acne Healing Blog to learn how to cure your acne fast and naturally.

Article Source: [] Acne Vulgaris Treatment - How to Cure it Fast and Permanently

The Many Types Of Acne - Acne Vulgaris, Acne Folliculitis, And Acne Rosacea

By []Kat Daez

Acne comes in many forms, as can be seen in the kinds of conditions that can be classified under acne. Three common kinds of acne are: acne vulgaris, acne folliculitis, and acne rosacea. The causes behind these conditions are many and varied but they might all result into zits, papules, nodules, and an oily complexion.

The first type, acne vulgaris, is very common among teens. This condition coincides with the hormonal changes happening inside a teen's body and results into the usual zits and breakouts that sprout just before an exam or a date. Since this condition can be seen in areas jam-packed with hair follicles and oil glands, zits usually grow on the neck, chest, arms, and face.

Acne vulgaris can then be divided into further subtypes, depending on its severity. A mild kind of acne vulgaris can be distinguished through the existence of blackheads and whiteheads. Along with the comedones are pustules and papules - inflamed pores with a whitish top (commonly known as a pimple or zit).

A severe kind usually involves painful cysts and nodules. These types are the ones that could usually result into scars and lesions when not treated properly. Squeezing cysts and nodules is therefore asking for more trouble.

The second type of acne is folliculitis. This skin condition is commonly caused by bacteria and when you have this kind of condition, zits are more likely to appear on your legs, chest, face, and other areas that could have been affected by friction induced by a tight-fitting outfit or a skin injury such as ingrown hairs. A rare kind of folliculitis is the one caused by fungi. This rare condition could be due to exposure to water contaminated by the fungi.

Usually mistaken as acne vulgaris, acne rosacea is another common kind. In this condition, adults who are more than 30 years old are the common victims, resulting into reddish cheeks, forehead, and nose. The reddening of the said areas are usually induced by spicy dishes, hot drinks, and exposure to UV rays. Aside from the redness of the affected area, pimples also emerge, and the inflamed nose could lead to rhinophyma (severe inflammation or external swelling of a nose, making it "bulbous").

The culprits behind these kinds of acne are varied so the appropriate treatment for each kind is also different. Here is a list of some common treatments for these kinds of condition:

 Topical medications - These include OTC treatments like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid.

 Accutane - This medication has severe side effects so this is only used for zits that are immune to OTC and some prescription drugs.

 Dermatologist-based treatments - Take note that the pimple-popping kind that might not cause more infection is usually done by a dermatologist. He uses a special and sterilized tool to prick your zits and applies an antibiotic or a disinfectant to prevent further infection.

 Antibiotics - These drugs might have side effects so a prescription from an expert is needed.

 Contraceptives - These are usually used when treating hormone-related acne.

Kat Daez writes for Intelligraph Corporation, an online media company. She currently writes articles about different []causes of acne and various acne medications.

If you want to read more information about []how to get rid of acne check out

Article Source: [,-Acne-Folliculitis,-And-Acne-Rosacea&id=642776] The Many Types Of Acne - Acne Vulgaris, Acne Folliculitis, And Acne Rosacea

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Acne Vulgaris What is it and How is it Different Than Regular Acne

By []Sean McCool

Have you ever heard the term "acne vulgaris"? If you think it sounds pretty gross and like a very nasty condition. Perhaps you imagine a condition that afflicts the private areas of the body. Well, not so fast.

Let's take a look at what this term means and try to get a scientific understanding so that you can understand if you have this condition or not. Join with me as we take a quick journey through the terminology of acne vulagris to determine if it's different than typical acne, and ultimately how to treat it properly.

Let's first look at the definition of the term acne vulgaris.

Vulgaris is a term that simply means something that is common or ordinary. I know, I know, the word vulgar comes from vulgaris. So how do you get common from that? I'm glad you asked. Remember that word meanings usually go back decades if not even hundreds of years when people behaved differently and had different expectations than they do today.

So vulgaris simply means something that is so common or ordinary that it is thought of as being low-class. Someone that says something is vulgar is saying something that is not appropriate in polite company. We may not think of the term "common" as being something that should be looked down upon, but an off-color joke was thought to be something that only "common" people understood and not something shared among those that were of the upper classes, so it was "vulgar." Hope you enjoyed that little romp down word meaning lane!

But getting back to acne vulgaris, the point is that the term vulgaris simply refers to common or everyday acne. Point in fact, most doctors don't even use the term acne vulgaris and simply refer to acne as acne.

It's also important to understand though that there are different forms of acne, and acne vulgaris is different from cystic acne. Cystic acne has pimples that contain bacteria that go very deep under the skin and is usually the most severe form of acne, often leaving very deep scars even while a person still has breakouts. People having cystic acne need to see a doctor to get a prescription for antibiotics so that they can address the bacteria that goes so deep that topical ointments don't fix it. With acne vulgaris or ordinary acne, you can usually take care of it with topical solutions, eating right and a good skincare regimen.

Now don't get me wrong, this doesn't mean that acne vulgaris or any form of acne is something to be dismissed. Even common everyday breakouts can be very difficult for those who suffer from them, and not all respond to treatment the way they should. More serious or more common breakouts may also need a prescription for antibiotics if they don't respond to topical medications such as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, common ingredients in most acne treatment options.

When confronted with acne vulgaris that doesn't go away or respond to topical ointments doctors can also recommend procedures such as micro-dermabrasion, light therapy, laser therapy, or other acne treatments like these, you might want to try something different or see a dermatologist. Many dermatologists specialize in acne treatment and can really help a patient by creating a complete program for treating and preventing acne. So whether you have acne vulgaris you have cystic acne and even if you're not sure, see your doctor, check out some online resources and programs and get some treatment for you. You'll be glad you did.

Sean McCool is Publisher and founder of "PrestoBango! - Information To Transform Your Life!"
He researches the latest information from around the web and around the world to put together resources and information to transform lives in a positive way. For a FREE 10 page report, visit []

Article Source: [] Acne Vulgaris What is it and How is it Different Than Regular Acne

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Acne Products for Acne Vulgaris

By []Andrew TC Thomas

There are several types of Acne and products to suite each type, though this article will focus on the more common form of the skin condition - acne vulgaris.  The term Acne Vulgaris refers to the inflammatory skin disease as opposed to acne Rosacea which inflammation of the red blood capillaries. With vulgaris you typically find multiple non-inflammatory follicular papules  called comedones (blackheads and whiteheads)  and inflammatory nodules in its more severe form often referred to as eruptions, blind pimples and nodes.

The term Vulgaris when applied to the skin is a most unfortunate sounding term sounding similar to vulgar. Most of us would have experienced acne in some form during our teen years so you think socially we'd have learned to accept the phase of puberty a little more. However, today where appearance is so much more stigmatized than, say, 100 years ago or even 50 years ago, that low self-esteem or feelings of self-consciousness come as part and parcel of this normal phase in our lives.

Because Acne Vulgaris has many forms of issues from blackheads to eruptions, there are particular product systems that would best suit the controlling of this skin condition. Because much of the cause is overproduction of oil in the sebaceous glands and the infection of bacteria at the base of the hair follicle it is obvious then you need to control the oil production (which is diet and hormone related) as well as keep the face clean with good products at least twice a day. Perhaps adding a wipe of a good skin tonic throughout the day if you have excessive oily skin.

Controlling oil production is tricky. Most people see excess oil and think they have oily skin, then choose products to help keep the skin dry. This can worsen the condition as underneath all this activity you might find your skin is dehydrated, even if oil is at the surface. That is often a case of blocked pores due to insufficient toning and cleansing or products that are too heavy for your skin type, as well of course as inadequate intake of water and good healthy oils in the diet like your essential fatty acids found in nuts, avocados, oily fish and good oils.

Anyone suffering from []Acne Vulgaris should consult their skin specialist to find out what type of skin they have first before searching for the right acne products to treat the condition. All good regimes will include and internal and external program. The external treatment program would consist of a good cleanser, non-alcoholic toner, gentle exfoliant, and oil balancing moisturizer. Masking with mud mineral masks every week is also very good for helping keep skin clean and restore oil balance. Internally pay attention to diet, water intake and keeping hormones balanced with nutritional supplements and relevant herbs. A holistic approach is usually more successful than picking one product and hoping it will be a miracle cure.

For more information of the variety of holistic approaches to treat hormonal eruptions please visit []Acne Products Online today.

Article Source: [] Acne Products for Acne Vulgaris

Monday, 25 May 2015

Acne Treatment For Acne Vulgaris

By []Thomas Middleton

Any acne sufferer knows how terrible it can be. No matter what kind of acne you have all the effects are the same, social awkwardness, embarrassment, frustration, even serious depression. It can set you apart from those with clear skin and make you feel like you're alone, however nothing could be farther from the truth. Millions of people around the world have all different kinds of acne, teenagers, adults, babies, everyone. Acne is something you should never be ashamed of. While it may not make you look your best, it should be viewed as another challenge to overcome, and this article will give you an acne treatment for acne vulgaris, the most common type of acne there is.

Acne vulgaris is the type of acne most teens and adolescents get and it is considered to be one of the easiest types to treat, which still doesn't say much because of acne's stubborn nature. If you find that you have acne then the first and foremost thing you should do is to go see a dermatologist, who can confirm which type of acne you have and also prescribe some powerful medication for getting rid of it. However just because you leave with prescription for an acne treatment medication doesn't mean it will work, so here are a few different methods of treatment to consider even after seeing a doctor.

The first kind of treatment for acne vulgaris is oral medication, or pills. This is the type of treatment your dermatologist will probably give you to help treat your acne and relieve some of the symptoms which may include soreness and puffiness around the affected areas. Different types of treatments include creams and facial scrubs you can apply to your face or any other affected areas daily at least once or twice a day depending on the instructions.

One of the most important things to remember is follow the instructions your doctor gives you or the instructions found on the label of an acne treatment medication, never decide for yourself what is enough, that is why the instructions exist in the first place.

Despite the great things people say about some acne products, I have found that most acne treatments simply did not work for me.

But after years of struggling to get rid of my acne, I finally found something that was able to almost completely cure my acne in just a few weeks.

Click below to see what I'm talking about


Article Source: [] Acne Treatment For Acne Vulgaris

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Acne Vulgaris and How to Cure It Naturally

By []Vanessa Price

Acne Vulgaris is the term that is used to describe the most common form of acne. Acne is an extremely common skin problem and most people experience it during puberty. Though, it is more common among women, it is men who get the worse sort of acne.

One of the main reasons behind acne breakouts is the over production of sebum or oil that tends to clog your skin pores. As a result, dirt gets accumulated in the pores and this leads to pimples.

How to Treat Acne Vulgaris

There are various sort of treatments and home remedies. Most people rush to the nearest local store as soon as they get a pimple but the fact of the matter is that curing acne requires much more than just a spot cream.

Before you try an acne treatment, here are some simple tips to cure and prevent breakouts:

1. Try to Stay Clean

What I mean to say is that you must ensure that you wash your face at least twice day. It is important to keep your skin free of dirt and grime that can make bacteria thrive. However, it is important to use a gentle face wash since a harsh face wash can strip your skin of its natural oil and make it dry. This can make you skin produce more oil which can worsen the situation.

Rubbing lemon juice on pimples can also help clean your skin.

2. Eliminate High Sugar Foods From Your Diet

Your diet can bear a deep impact on the health of your skin. Foods that are rich in carbohydrates and simple sugars tend to increase level of Insulin in blood which is proven to aggravate acne. Make it a point to avoid or reduce your consumption of such foods.

Try to replace such foods with fresh fruits and vegetables that contain minerals and vitamins that are great for your skin.

3. Try Antioxidants

Green tea, acai berry, maqui berry, strawberries, pomegranates etc., are rich in antioxidants. They can be a big help in reducing acne. This is largely because they can help your body get rid of harmful toxins and other chemicals that accumulate in your body over time. Green tea is proven to reduce impact of acne and it not only cures other skin problems like eczema but also helps improve your skin complexion.

4. A Complete Acne Solution

In addition to the above, you must go for a complete acne solution that aims to tackle the problem from inside out rather than opting for a spot cream that is virtually useless.

A complete acne solution not only helps you clean your skin pores and clear all the dirt but also ensures that you are able to close these pores so that no more dirt gets in there. It also calms down bacteria and prevents it from thriving. Green tea and tea tree oil cleanser form an very important part of such a complete solution that can help you get rid of acne within weeks.

So, if You Want to Get Vibrant and Acne Free Skin, check out the []Best Acne Cure that has Become a Massive Hit Across the World.


Check out More on Acne Vulgaris [] and How to Cure it Naturally.

Article Source: [] Acne Vulgaris and How to Cure It Naturally

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Acne (Acne Vulgaris) - Causes, Types and Herbal Remedies

By []Neal K


The sudden onset of a 'zit' before a date is every teenager's nightmare. Most teenagers - and a large percentage of adults - suffer from Acne Vulgaris, which can shows up as whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples on the face, neck, shoulders, back, and chest. A recent study conducted in the USA revealed that 17 million people suffer from acne, spawning a large market for anti-acne products.


Skin pores contain oil glands which keep the skin and hair lubricated. Sometimes, these sebaceous pores become clogged with excess oil and bacteria, resulting in acne. Broadly, the causes of acne may be the following:

Bacteria, which easily infects oil glands and pores
Wrong diet, irregular meals, excessive intake of starches, sugar, and fatty foods
Chronic constipation
Hormonal activity, particularly in teenagers
Incorrect use of cosmetics that clog the pores

Types of acne

Whiteheads: Whiteheads are caused when a pore is completely blocked, trapping sebum (oil), bacteria, and dead skin cells, causing a white appearance on the surface.
Blackheads: Blackheads result when a pore is only partially blocked, allowing some of the trapped sebum (oil), bacteria, and dead skin cells to slowly drain to the surface. The black color is caused by a reaction of the skin's own pigment, melanin, reacting with the oxygen in the air.
Papules: Papules are inflamed, red, tender bumps with no head.
Pustules: A pustule is similar to a whitehead, but is inflamed, and appears as a red circle with a white or yellow center.
Severe acne vulgaris is characterized by nodules and cysts.
Nodules are large, hard bumps under the skin's surface, and are prone to leaving behind scars.
An acne cyst can appear similar to a nodule, but is pus-filled and painful.
Acne Rosacea can look similar to the acne vulgaris and is visible in patches.
Severe forms of acne include acne conglobata (large lesions) and pyoderma faciale (severe facial acne afflicting only females.


Eat healthy. Include fresh fruits and vegetables and anti-oxidants such as tomatoes in your diet.
Stay clean. Use a natural antibacterial, non-oily face wash/body wash. Those containing tea tree oil are a good option. Do not scrub your face, which can irritate the skin. The aim of washing is to remove dirt and oil from the pores.
If you have constipation, treat it immediately.
Drink lots of water.
Avoid chocolate, fried food, and refined sugar.
Take B-complex and zinc supplements daily to strengthen the skin's resistance to acne.
Watch where you put your face: don't place your cheek against things and surfaces that may carry infection, such as telephone receivers, window panes, used pillow cases etc.


Do NOT squeeze or pop a pimple. Squeezing can push bacteria and pus deeper into the skin, leaving permanent scars.
Wash your face with warm salt water. This will get rid of the oil and dirt without irritating the acne.
Apply cucumber paste on your face. Wash it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water.
Aloe vera gel is an effective natural cure for acne. Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.
If you get a bad case of acne, see a dermatologist.

Herbal Remedies and Herbs Supplements for Acne (Acne Vulgaris)

Skinelle cream is an effective and safe natural treatment for Acne and pimples. It's main ingredients Manjishtha, Haridra and Sariva have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties which eradicate infection in acne. Skinelle has no side effects and is safe for long term application.

The pure herb Neem is very popular in India and is found in abundance in the indian subcontinent. Neem or Azadirachta indica has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal & blood purifying properties. It is useful in skin disorders and keeps the skin healthy and glowing. Consumption of Neem pure herb capsules detoxifies the system and clears acne and pimples. []Neem Guard

Click here for more more []Herbal Beauty Care Products.

Neal K is a keen follower of trends in Ayurveda and Health Supplements. He also has professional interests in the field and manages a website called

Article Source: [,-Types-and-Herbal-Remedies&id=3153650] Acne (Acne Vulgaris) - Causes, Types and Herbal Remedies

Friday, 22 May 2015

Breakout: Acne Vulgaris Strikes Again

By []Jane S Taylor

While the common term for acne is acne vulgaris, there are various types of acne vulgaris one can suffer from and some of these are worse than others. While most often people will get acne in their teenage years it is not uncommon for some people to have their first outbreak in their adulthood too. Acne occurs mainly on the neck, back, face and shoulders. Though some people often claim to have it on their upper arms, these are more likely than not to be keratosis pilaris. The lesions you get with more acute acne include pustules, comedones, papules and nodules which can become cysts.

The Differnt Types of Acne Vulgaris

There are three main types of acute acne vulgaris. These include Acne Conglobata, Acne Fulminans, and Nodulocystic Acne.

Acne Conglobata - The Conglobata type is chronic and acute and affects more men than women. It is identified by large eruptions and blackheads on the face, arms, neck and buttocks with inflammation and deeply concealed ulcers. This can cause extensive scarring and is treated with a form of the Vitamin A derived isotretinoin (Roaccutane, Accutane and topical Isotrex). This form of acne vulgaris will often recur even after treatment.

Acne Fulminans - The Fulminans form of acne is usually caused by a recurring of the Conglobata acne. It affects skin that is already inflamed and will often be accompanied by aching joints, fever and violent, ulcerating acne eruptions. The treatment for this form of acne will be a course of anti inflammatory non steroidal medication and perhaps long-term treatment with isotretinoin.

Nodulocystic Acne - The Nodulocystic acne type is identified with large cysts on the face, scalp, neck, back, chest and shoulder. These cysts can be quite painful and are caused from nodular or popular lesions that have become infected. These should only be touched and handled by a dermatologist, because if two are close together, they could merge and turn into acne conglobata. Some extreme cases require surgery, but usually isotretinoin is quite effective at bringing nodulocystic acne under control.

Treatment for Acne Vulgaris

The treatment for any type of acne ranges from ointments and antibiotics for the milder outbreaks to LASER therapy and surgery for the more severe outbreaks.

Consulting a dermatologist is the first step to find out what type of acne you have and what the best treatment is for that particular type. Benzoyl peroxide is commonly used as an over the counter medication for acne, but it can often cause excessive drying of the skin accompanied by redness of the skin.

Some antibiotics are successful when used but in due course the bacteria tend to become resistant to it and for subsequent outbreaks you could find that the once effective []acne treatment is now ineffectual. Lately women have also begun using hormone therapy to reduce the amount of androgen and for more severe cases oral isotretinoin can be taken (Accutane). Products like TriClear and Proactive are great for mild to moderate acne vulgaris.

Article Source: [] Breakout: Acne Vulgaris Strikes Again

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Get Acne Vulgaris Treatment To Clear The Condition Permanently

By []Sandra Wellington

Acne Vulgaris, popularly known as common acne, is the common form of acne which affects most people. Everyone is prone to suffer from acne outbreaks at one point in life, and it is therefore important to understand how acne develops and the Acne Vulgaris treatment options available to clear the condition permanently.

How acne develops on the skin

Hormonal changes are known to be the main cause of acne development; acne affects more than 85% of teenagers going through puberty, because their hormone levels increase as their bodies mature. The rise in hormone levels results in the over-stimulation of the sebaceous glands, which in turn clogs up the skin pores giving rise to what we know as Acne Vulgaris. This type of acne is commonly found on the face, cheeks and the general upper body region. This type of acne is not known to cause scarring and it is therefore considered as a mild form of acne outbreak. People who develop inflamed acne, known as cysts acne, should seek immediate medical attention because in most cases the condition arises as a result of a skin infection.

The available Acne Vulgaris treatment options

There are several treatment options when it comes to clearing acne outbreaks from the skin. The first thing that you should know is that the various acne remedies available in the market have different effects on different people. Most people go for topical creams, but these creams may irritate the skin and worst still aggravate the condition. The same applies to oral medications and that is why it is always best to seek medical advice in order to get the right form of treatment for your particular condition.

The natural treatment options available include lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, ginger root, milk of magnesia and rose-water. There are also topical creams which contain natural ingredients, while most contain synthetic ingredients. Topical creams are formulated to kill the acne causing bacteria and clear the condition. However, a number of people do not respond well to topical creams especially in the case of individuals with sensitive skins.

Oral antibiotics are also available to clear the condition, and they are also formulated to restore hormonal balance which is often the root cause of acne outbreaks. Individuals who develop the condition as a side effect of taking other forms of medications often get rid of the condition once they stop using the offensive medication. However, the best permanent Acne Vulgaris treatment method is to identify the root cause of the condition and use the precise medications formulated to clear the condition.

Get professional treatment for acne

It goes without saying that the first stop should be the doctor's office, to get a recommendation on the right form of treatment for your particular condition. Individuals who suffer from severe acne outbreaks or recurring acne outbreaks should definitely consult with a physician. In some cases, laser treatment may be prescribed to permanently clear the condition.

It is important to understand how acne develops in order to get the right Acne Vulgaris treatment regime. If the condition persists, it is best to seek medical help from a physician.

Acne is a very troubling disease for those who suffer from the effects of this annoying condition. For many people it can be a total embarrassment if it is very serious, and the best way is to reach to the root of its causes and try to find a solution. To treat acne, you must follow the right treatment under the supervision of a good dermatologist. For more information and advice, please visit us at

Now, I invite you to take a look at where you will discover more with us on how to deal with the effects of acne and find the best treatment to clear the condition permanently.

Article Source: [] Get Acne Vulgaris Treatment To Clear The Condition Permanently

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

How to Treat Problem Acne Vulgaris

By []Margaret Bell

Acne vulgaris is one of the most common skin problems. It affects practically everyone during the teenage years. The severity ranges from mild to severe.

Excoriated acne is a mild form of the condition, but it seems to be accompanied by greater itching. The itching leads to scratching, which causes abrasions to form and increases the risk of scarring.

In addition to pimples, blackheads and whiteheads, the symptoms may include scaly red skin. Boils and/or cysts are not uncommon. Scarring occurs due to inflammation in the skin's dermis layer. The condition is physically and psychologically painful.

What are the Causes of Acne Vulgaris and Excoriated Acne?

Hormones and genetics are often blamed. No one knows what causes the increased itching or the uncontrollable urge to scratch.

There is believed to be an overgrowth of the P acnes bacterium in the pores of the skin. Antibiotics were at one time commonly prescribed to treat the condition, but research has shown that the bacteria are becoming more resistant to the antibiotics. Rather than resolving the problem, the use of antibacterial soaps or acne washes containing triclosan contributes to the resistance of the bacteria.

Excessive sebum or oil is another thing that may cause pimples. But, the drying treatments that are often recommended could actually stimulate the skin to produce even more sebum to counteract the dryness.

Inflammation is present. So, immune system function is at least "involved" in the condition. Several studies have shown that eating foods with a high glycemic index worsens the conditions. This is due to increased inflammation throughout the body caused by high blood levels of glucose and insulin.

Stress may worsen outbreaks, itching and scratching, but is not an actual cause of the problems. Low blood levels of the vitamins A and E have been associated with the condition.

� What is the Solution to Acne Vulgaris and Excoriated Acne?

The solution is healthy diet and a good skincare routine. The use of good skincare products will provide the following benefits:

� Reduced itching
� Fewer pimples
� Faster healing
� Reduced risk of scarring
� Fade existing scars
� Reduced inflammation
� Reduced redness

Skincare products can only provide those benefits if they contain the right ingredients.

� What You Must Do Consistently

Gentle cleansing is a must. The use of harsh cleansers will only worsen inflammation, redness and itching. The conditions are not caused by poor hygiene.

A sulfur-based cleanser will help to maintain the skin's natural pH balance, which in turn will help to keep bacterial levels under control. An alternative to antibacterial soap is a product containing Active manuka honey, which has natural antibacterial activity. Natural antibacterial agents do not contribute to the production of more resistant bacteria.

Once you wash your face, you should use a moisturizer, especially if you use benzoyl peroxide to speed healing of a pimple. Benzoyl peroxide will cause increased redness and itching.

There are only certain moisturizers you should use. They must be free of mineral oil, petrolatum and other pore-clogging ingredients.

� Why a Whitening Day Cream?

Scarring is a real risk for all forms of acne. Whitening Day Cream contains an ingredient called Xtrapone Nutgrass, which reduces the risk of hyperpigmentation.

Xtrapone is also an anti-irritant. Nutgrass root was used historically to relieve itching and heal boils. It was also used to reduce bruising.

Xtendlife's Whitening Day cream also contains Functional Keratin, which has natural anti-inflammatory activity. It will reduce redness and swelling.

Another ingredient in the product is maracuja. Maracuja comes from passion fruit. It works to regulate sebum production. So, you will not have to worry about your skin becoming to oily or too dry.

Babassu is another beneficial ingredient in the Whitening Day Cream. It has proven benefits for reducing itching and inflammation.
Finally, there are natural vitamin E and grape seed oil. Vitamin E is an essential nutrient for skin health and as mentioned above, low blood levels of the nutrient are associated with all kind of acne.

Grape seed oil contains vitamin E and other antioxidants. It helps to reduce future pimples by preventing dirt from clogging the pores.
To recap, a Whitening Day Cream will provide the following benefits:

� Scars will fade away because of Xtrapone Nutgrass
� Itching will be reduced because of Xtrapone and Babassu
� Inflammation, swelling and redness will be reduced because of Functional Keratin and Babassu
� Excessive sebum production will be resolved because of maracuja
� Fewer pimples will appear in the future, because of the complete formula

Other products may provide one or two of the benefits. Our Whitening Day Cream provides them all. That's what makes it unique.

� What You Should Do Now

Here's your next step for healthier, more radiant skin care - Sign up for our FREE SKIN CARE GUIDE and NEWSLETTER. Just CLICK the link that says FREE SKIN CARE GUIDE in the Resource Box below. Go there now. "You'll like the way you look."

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Article Source: [] How to Treat Problem Acne Vulgaris

Monday, 18 May 2015

How to Treat Adult Acne

By []Patrick Treacy

Acne vulgaris (commonly called acne) is a common skin condition, caused by changes in the pilosebaceous units. These units are skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and a sebaceous gland. The changes occur as a result of increased sebum production via testosterone stimulation. Both men and women have varying amounts of testosterone. Acne is most common during adolescence, affecting more than 85% of teenagers, and frequently continues into adulthood. This type of acne affects the areas of skin with the largest amount of sebaceous follicles. These areas include the face, the upper part of the chest, and the back. Whenever acne becomes inflammatory it can damage the skin by destroying the collagen. For most people, acne diminishes over time and tends to disappear-or at the very least decrease-after one reaches one's early twenties. There is, however, no way to predict how long it will take to disappear entirely, and some individuals may continue to suffer well into their thirties, forties and beyond.

Patients may be surprised to learn that development of acne vulgaris in later years is actually quite uncommon. True acne vulgaris in an adult woman may be a feature of an underlying condition such as pregnancy and disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome or the rare Cushing's syndrome. It is also known that menopause-associated acne occurs as production of the natural anti-acne ovarian hormone oestradiol fails at menopause. The lack of oestradiol also causes thinning hair, hot flashes, thin skin, wrinkles, vaginal dryness, and predisposes to osteopenia and osteoporosis as well as triggering acne (known as acne climacterica). So what is adult acne and why does it occur in later life? Why does it also seem to affect mostly women and occur around the mouth area where there are fewer pilosebaceous units? In fact why does it last for years and not respond to the normal treatments such as Benzoyl peroxide or Salicylic acid 2% (Acnesal) products. I would also ask why is it so common and bothersome for so many people?.

Is adult acne really acne?

I think these effects happen because what we call adult acne is probably a totally different disease. Several factors are known to be linked to acne, including the tendency for the condition to run in families and exposure to certain chemical compounds such as dioxins. Remember the thirties are the decades of rosacea and what we see is often a different disease called perioral dermatitis masquerading as adult acne. Many GPs also call this acne and treat it the wrong way. Stress, through increased output of hormones from the adrenal (stress) glands causes outbreak of the condition. While the connection between acne and stress has long been debated, scientific research indicates that "increased perioral dermatitis" is "significantly associated with increased stress levels.

So what exactly is perioral dermatitis?

Perioral dermatitis is a condition closely related to acne vulgaris that affect young women between the ages of twenty and forty five. Occasionally men or children are affected. Perioral refers to the area around the mouth, and dermatitis indicates redness of the skin. In addition to redness, there are usually small red bumps or pus bumps, and mild peeling. Sometimes the bumps are the most obvious feature, and the disease can look a lot like acne. The areas most affected are within the borders of the lines from the nose, to the sides of the lips, and the chin. There is frequent sparing of a small band of skin that borders the lips. The skin lesions can affect the area around the eyes. It is not uncommon, and has a tendency to recurrence in individuals who have had it once. This condition is often related to stress and become common in summer time as it acts like rosacea, becoming worse with sunlight exposure. Sometimes there is mild itching or burning.

How long does it last?

If not treated, perioral dermatitis may last for months to years. Even if treated, the condition may recur several times, but usually the disorder does not return after successful treatment.

What causes perioral dermatitis?

The cause of perioral dermatitis is unknown. We know it is a neurodermatis and hence related to stress. Some dermatologists believe it is actually a form of rosacea or sunlight-worsened seborrheic dermatitis. We know that strong corticosteroid creams applied to the face can cause perioral dermatitis. Once perioral dermatitis develops, corticosteroid creams seem to help, but the disorder reappears when treatment is stopped. In fact, perioral dermatitis usually comes back even worse than it was before use of steroid creams. Some types of makeup, moisturizers, and dental products may be partially responsible. There is also a suspicion that fluorinated toothpastes are related to an outbreak of this condition.

Can it be prevented?

There is no guaranteed way to prevent perioral dermatitis. Do not use strong prescription strength corticosteroid creams on the face. Your dermatologist may have suggestions about the use of moisturizers, cosmetics, and sunscreens, and may advise against using toothpaste with fluoride, tartar control ingredients, or cinnamon flavouring.

Are laboratory tests needed to diagnose the problem?

Most of the time, no tests are necessary. A dermatologist can usually make an accurate diagnosis by just examining the skin. Sometimes, scraping or a biopsy of the skin is done. Occasionally, blood tests are ordered to eliminate other conditions that can look similar.

How is this condition treated?

Dermatologists tend to use oral antibiotics, similar to the ones we use in Rosacea to treat the condition. This means a patient would require taking doxycycline or tetracycline for minimum of 3 months to prevent recurrence. For milder cases or pregnant women, topical antibiotic creams may be used. Occasionally, your dermatologist may recommend a specific corticosteroid cream, just for a short time to help your appearance while the antibiotics are working.

Is this similar to the treatment of acne?

Yes and no. I suppose systemic antibiotics are a mainstay in the treatment of ordinary acne vulgaris. Some of these antibiotics, such as Doxycycline (ByMycin) and Minocycline (Minocin) have anti-inflammatory properties and generally more effective than tetracycline. However, resistance is becoming more common and other antibiotics, including Trimethoprim (Septrim) are reportedly more helpful in acne than perioral dermatitis. Roaccutane (Isotretinoin) is a systemic retinoid that is highly effective in the treatment of severe acne vulgaris. It does this as it depresses sebum excretion by 70%, is anti-inflammatory, and even reduces the presence of acne bacteria. I do not tend to use it with perioral dermatitis as the basis of the condition is not sebum related. Roaccutane is a teratogenic and pregnancy must be avoided. A negative pregnancy test result is required prior to the initiation of therapy. A doctor will also check your cholesterol and liver tests monthly.

Are lasers of any value?

Lasers that use Photopneumatic™ technology such as the PPx and Isolaz has little use treating this condition as the underlying problem is not related to an increase in sebum However IPL (as used in Rosacea) appears to be of some benefit in controlling the condition.

What can be expected with treatment?

Most patients improve within two months of oral antibiotics. If corticosteroid creams were used for treatment, there may be a flare-up when the creams are stopped. If antibiotic treatment is stopped too early, however, the problem can come back.

Are there any other treatments?

There are many OTC products available for the treatment of acne, many of which are without any scientifically-proven effects. Generally speaking, successful treatments show little improvement within the first two weeks, instead taking a period of approximately three months to improve and start flattening out. Many treatments that promise big improvements within two weeks are likely to be largely disappointing. However, short bursts of cortisone can give very quick results to ordinary acne but are not recommended for this condition. .

Topical bactericidals

Topical bactericidal products containing benzoyl peroxide may be used in mild to moderate acne. The gel or cream containing benzoyl peroxide is rubbed, twice daily, into the pores over the affected region. Bar soaps or washes may also be used and vary from 2 to 10% in strength.

I normally do not recommend benzoyl peroxide to be used in this condition as it is a keratolytic (a chemical that dissolves the keratin plugging the pores) and the primary problem is not due to blocked pores. Other antibacterials with less keratolytic effects include triclosan, or chlorhexidine gluconate.

Topical antibiotics

These include ointments such as erythromycin, clindamycin or tetracycline. They act by killing the bacteria that are harboured in the follicles. While topical use of antibiotics is equally as effective in ordinary acne as oral use, I do not find them as effective in this condition. However, sometime I use Rozex and Metrogel (metronidazole) in much the same way I would treat a Rosacea patient.

Hormonal treatments

In females, ordinary acne can be improved with hormonal treatments. The common combined oestrogen/progestogen pill has some effect, but the antiandrogen, cyproterone in combination with an oestrogen (Dianette) is particularly effective at reducing androgenic hormone levels. Most patients with adult acne are too old to use this drug so it is not generally used

Topical retinoids

This group of medications are used to normalise the follicle cell lifecycle. They include brands such as tretinoin (brand name Retin-A), adapalene (brand name Differin), and tazarotene (brand name Tazorac). Like isotretinoin, they are related to vitamin A, but they are administered as topicals and generally have much milder side effects. They can, however, cause significant irritation of the skin and I never use them in this condition.


It has long been known that short term improvement can be achieved with blue and red light. Recently, visible light has been successfully employed to treat acne (phototherapy) - in particular intense violet light (405-420 nm) generated by purpose-built fluorescent lighting, LEDs or lasers used twice weekly has been shown to reduce the number of acne lesions by two thirds. It is even more effective when applied daily. The mechanism appears to be that a porphyrin produced within P. acnes generates free radicals when irradiated by 420 nm and shorter wavelengths of light. These free radicals ultimately kill the bacteria.

Dr. Patrick Treacy is a cosmetic expert. He is Medical Director of Ailesbury Clinics Ltd and the global Cosmetic Medical Group. He is Chairman of the Irish Association of Cosmetic Doctors and is Irish Regional Representative of the British Association of Cosmetic Doctors. He is European Medical Advisor to Network Lipolysis and the UK's largest cosmetic website Consulting Rooms. He practices cosmetic medicine in his clinics in Dublin, Cork, London and the Middle East.

Dr. Treacy is on the Specialist Register in the UK and Ireland and holds higher qualifications in Dermatology and Laser technology and skin resurfacing. He was amongst the first doctors worldwide to use the permanent facial endoprosthesis BioAlcamid for HIV Lipodystrophy patients. He was also the first person to introduce many techniques such as Radiofrequency assisted lasers, Fibroblast transplant and Contour Threads to Irish patients.

Dr. Treacy is an advanced aesthetic trainer and has trained over 300 doctors and nurses from around the world. He is also a renowned international guest speaker and features regularly on national television and radio programmes. He was invited to speak about stem cells and cosmetic medicine at the World Aesthetic Conference in Moscow this year.

The Irish College of Cosmetic Doctors

The British Association of Cosmetic Doctors

The British Medical Laser Association

The American Society for Aesthetic Medicine

The American Society for Lasers in Medicine and Surgery The European Society of Laser Dermatology

The European Society for Dermatological Surgery (ESDS)

The International Society for Dermatologic Surgery

The International Academy of Cosmetic Dermatology

Dr. Treacy is the European Representative for the NetWork-Lipolysis where he is on the Medical Advisory Board and the Scientific Advisory Board.

Ailesbury Clinics Ltd Suite 6 Merrion Road Ailesbury Road Dublin 4 Ireland

Phone +35312692255/2133 Fax +35312692250 []Ailesbury Clinic Acne Therapy

Article Source: [] How to Treat Adult Acne

Friday, 15 May 2015

The Only Way to Cure Acne Vulgaris Uncovered

The acne vulgaris is also commonly known as the 'common acne'. It is a condition of the skin that is characterized by the inflammation of the skin. It is externally triggered by changes in the skin structure and excessive secretion of the sebum from the sebaceous glands. Acne vulgaris in fact comprises of all common types of pimples and zits. Acne vulgaris like any other acne type occurs during the adolescent age but can continue in the adult age and with some people they keep occurring for years.

The most important step that you need to take while trying to cure acne vulgaris is to understand why they are caused. Contrary to the external symptoms of the acne vulgaris namely the production of excess sebum and the blocking up of hair follicles by dead skin cells which leads to the perfect environment for acne bacteria, the internal causes much serious and deep rooted.

If you can tackle the internal causes then you'll be able to spare yourself years of misery, pain and disappointment and of course save yourself from wasting thousands of dollars on useless acne treatments that won't even help you.

One major negative side of using conventional methods to treat acne vulgaris is the side effects that can be caused by taking these medications for a long time span. And not only side effects theses medications at times worsen the condition and also lead to severe scars. Unless treated properly acne vulgaris can lead to real bad scars that can ruin a person's self esteem drastically.

The only correct way to cure acne vulgaris is by taking care of the internal factors that cause acne by following the holistic approach. Only using holistic approach, you will be able to cure and prevent acne vulgaris from occurring.

Mike Walden is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Acne No More- Open The Door To an Acne Free Life". Mike has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.
To Learn More About Mike Walden'` Unique 5-Step Holistic Acne Cure System Visit: Acne Treatment

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Thursday, 14 May 2015

Do You Want to Prevent Your Acne Vulgaris From Appearing? Here Are 5 Ways You Can

Those people who have acne vulgaris (acne) often want to stop their skin condition from getting worse. Some of the things that can help prevent acne vulgaris from appearing are developing healthy habits such as keeping your skin clean, getting enough sleep, and reducing your stress. Here are 5 tips that can help you get rid of your skin condition.

1. Wash Your Skin Twice A Day- Cleansing your skin is very important in preventing blemishes on your skin. You can do this by using water and a facial wash tested for sensitive skin. Another thing that could help is to use soap that has benzoyl peroxide in them. When clean your skin it helps prevent bacteria from spreading you acne vulgaris. Most dermatologists say that you should not wash your skin more than 3 times a day because it might make your skin sore and dry.

2. Do Not Eat Acne Causing Foods- For everyone acne causing foods are dependent upon your diet and sensitivity. A way to reduce your acne vulgaris is that whatever makes your skin breakout you should definitely avoid and definitely avoid deep fried and fatty foods. Foods that are rich in Iodine like dairy products should especially be avoided if you have acne-prone skin. Another thing that can help you get healthier skin is having a nutritious diet full of minerals and vitamin.

3. Use Less Cosmetics- When you use less cosmetic products t that have not been made with specific indications for acne-prone skin helps lower you acne vulgaris. Oily or greasy cosmetics can lead to pimples and blackheads because they clog pores which will cause acne breakouts. Whenever you use cosmetics make sure they are water based and make sure sponges and brushes are clean.

4. Do Not Touch Your Face Or Let Your Hair Touch It- If you have long hair and it usually touches your face then you should wash it often which will prevent acne vulgaris. Another thing that should help is to tie up your hair so that it should not touch your skin. Also whenever you sweat a lot you should wash your face because this will lead to breakouts of acne vulgaris. The reason you should keep your hands away from your face is because they usually come in contact with dirt that will cause blemishes.

5. Stay Away From Toxic Environments- Weather that is humid or hot with a large amount of polluted air will cause dirt to settle on your skin which will cause outbreaks. Some of these places are places with large amounts of smoke, dirt, and oil in the air. The best environment is to stay in an air-conditioned room.
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How Doctors Provide a Diagnoses for Acne Vulgaris

There are different ways to provide diagnoses of acne vulgaris. These can be done through taking the history of the patient, along with a number of laboratory tests. Acne vulgaris usually affects teenagers; especially those who have just entered the stage of puberty. However, the symptoms may vary from one person to another. For women, the acne formation may come and go, depending on the menstrual cycle.

In close examination of non-inflammatory acne, it will look more like open and closed comdone. On the other hand, the inflammatory lesion may start from a mikrocomedone, and later on turn into pustules, papules, or worse, a cyst. Most of these lesions can be found around a number of sebaceous glands in the face. A lot of doctors never find it hard to give diagnoses of acne vulgaris since this is a very visible condition. But doctors can provide very specific diagnoses, down to sub-types of acne.

The Diagnosis of Acne
One of the ways to provide diagnoses for acne vulgaris is through undergoing endocrine function tests. These tests are not routinely done for all patients. But it can be very helpful. For people who are suffering from acne, the endocrine tests may include the examination of the Luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone for women, hormonal evaluation for testeteron, and there may be evidence of hyperandrogenism.
There is one overriding type of lesion for acne vulgaris. However, there are a number of variations for the lesions. These may include the papules, nodules, pustules and the comedon. The lesions can be found mostly on the face, but some have acne on their backs and on the chest and neck area. As mentioned earlier, doctors may provide differential diagnosesof acne vulgaris. These are the eruption acneformis, rosacea and perioral dermatitis.

Eruption Acneformis
This form of acne can be considered as a drug-induced condition. Eruption acneformis are caused by the intake of the following medications: ACTH, barbiturates, bromide, corticosteroids, difenilhidantoin, iodide and isoniazid. The lesions on this particular type of acne occur suddenly, without any other symptom such as fever.

Rosacea is one of the diagnoses of acne vulgaris which is considered as a chronic condition. The cause of this condition is still not very clear. People with rosacea have erythema all over the central face and over the neck area. There are two components on rosacea. One of which is the vascular changes which are comprised of persistent erythema. The other one is eruption acneformis, which include the hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands, cysts, pustules and papules. However, there is no direct relationship between the amount of sebum excreted and the severity of the condition.

Perioral Dermatitis
And the last type included in the diagnoses of acne vulgaris is perioral dermatitis. As what the name suggests, this kind of acne is characterized by the formation of papules and a number of small pustules around the mouth, or perioral area. This usually affects young women. But some of the acne is also found around the eyes and the nose. Just like rosacea, the cause is uncertain. The possible risk factors are the use of berflouride toothpaste, intake of oral contraceptives, and Candida infections.

Ways to Prevent Acne
There are a number of ways to prevent acne. You may need to pay attention to what you eat and performing exercise daily may be helpful. Aside from the diet and exercise, it is always good to keep your skin hydrated at all times. It is also recommended to avoid makeup or scrubbing of the face when washing. Now that you know how doctors provide diagnoses to acne vulgaris, it is important that you follow ways to prevent the condition from occurring.

There are specific types of acne vulgaris. Now that you know the different diagnoses of acne vulgaris [] you'll know how to address them properly.

Article Source:

Monday, 11 May 2015

Reduce Sports Induced Acne Vulgaris

Men who play sports find that they get acne vulgaris during the most active parts of the season. The acne, however, often clears up shortly after the season ends, only to reappear the following year. Male pimple vulgaris that is associated with playing sports can occur for a variety of reasons. Understanding the reasons behind your pimples could help you choose a treatment that will keep them under control throughout the year.

Acne Vulgaris Caused by Heat and Moisture
Many sports take place outside during the hot summer months. If the fans are sweating while they sit in the stands, then chances are that you, the athlete, are soaked. This is especially true in humid areas where moisture surrounds you as soon as you step outside. This heat and moisture can actually increase the amount of pimple vulgaris that you experience during your sport's season.

Acne vulgaris is essentially caused by a combination of dead skin cells, bacteria, and sebum, which is skin oil. When dead skin cells and sebum mix together, they can create a layer over hair follicles. This makes a breeding ground for bacteria. As the number of bacteria increase, your pores become irritated and painful. Whether pimple vulgaris causes a few pimples of a whole face full of pimples, they ultimately come from the same place.

What does this have to do with the heat and moisture that you encounter while playing sports? That largely depends on your skin type. If you have oily skin, then the heat can cause your glands to make more sebum, which increases the chance that you will get acne. Those with dry skin aren't safe either. The extreme heat of the summer sun can irritate whiteheads, causing them to become more noticeable and painful.

Acne Vulgaris and Sports Equipment
Even your sports equipment can cause acne vulgaris. Tight chin straps, helmets, and pads can rub against skin, causing irritation. If you already have some small blemishes in areas that come into contact with the sports equipment, then your little pimples can grow quickly.

Sharing sports equipment increases the likelihood of getting pimple vulgaris even more. Acne vulgaris doesn't occur without bacteria, and chances are that shared helmets, pads, and other pieces of equipment provide plenty of bacteria for the whole team. When the bacteria combines with increased oil and irritation, the result is usually acne vulgaris.

Treating Acne Vulgaris Caused by Sports
Taking care of your skin throughout the year will help you avoid acne vulgaris during the active parts of your season. Choose a cleanser that is appropriate for your skin type, and be sure to use moisturizer that contains SPF protection whenever you are in the sun. This will keep your skin healthy.

It can be more difficult to prevent pimple vulgaris during the season, but entering this active part of the year with healthy skin gives you an advantage. During the season, be sure to moisturize areas that become irritated by movement, heat, and equipment. Proactiv has several products that will help you eliminate the pimples that you have and prevent more from developing. Just choose cleansers, toners, and medicated creams that are made for your skin type and follow the directions. Many athletes find that this limits pimples and prevents breakouts.

Acne has troubled a lot of people till date and can occur due to hormonal disturbances, stress, psychological responses and dietary problems. Click this link to know about the procedures available for treating this problem, you could also find lots of helpful resources elsewhere over the Internet if your are deeply concerned with your skin problem.

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Sunday, 10 May 2015

Acne Vulgaris - Male Adolescent Acne, What Should I Do?

Acne vulgaris is also known as male Adolescent Acne. It normally happens with the onset puberty in males and is thought to coincide with the increased production of testosterone. Also known as cystic acne, this common male skin care problem has been around forever and is generally known by the physical skin contusions. Some of these include blackheads, pimples, and even just red scaly skin.

Acne Vulgaris Scarring
Often Acne will produce scarring on the skin. This scarring can also cause mental scarring for some people. Since acne generally begins during the teen years when there is already a lot of social awkwardness, many males feel quite depressed. They often feel that acne and acne scarring inhibit any chance at dating and social living. In order to deter those feelings many males will seek treatment at the first sign of acne.

Acne Vulgaris Causes
Since Acne Vulgaris normally begins with puberty for most, this comes with the increased hormone productions levels. But it's not really certain if it comes from the hormones or perhaps the bodily changes associated with puberty. There is also a bacterium that is part of the acne thing, could the bacteria be the cause of the acne or is the acne the cause of the bacteria? Acne vulgaris also tends to run in families. If one of your parents had acne, there is a much better chance for one or more of the children to be subjected to acne as well. Also the severity of the acne vulgaris infection can be inherited from parents or grandparents. If the case is severe in the parents it will tend to be severe in the children as well. There is also some indication that your diet can affect the severity of your acne. Certain foods such as dairy products and foods high in sugars can increase your acne. It has also often been linked to eating lots of chocolates and eating lots of salt but research does not really show this to be a real cause.

Acne Vulgaris Treatment
There are a pretty large variety or medications available for the treatment of acne. Some of these include a variety of antibiotics, creams, hormones, and more.
Antibiotics use is starting to be limited because like in all other areas of life, they have been over used and are no longer near as effective as they once were.
Hormone treatment is pretty much for women only and generally consists of giving an oral contraceptive. The hormones seem to have a normalizing affect on the skin.

There is a huge number of creams and topical medicines you can apply to your acne. One of the most popular is benzoyl peroxide. This is applied to the affected areas and works pretty well with very few side effects. The biggest issue is normally dry or red skin. There is also a bigger chance of getting sunburned since your skin becomes more sensitive to sun after use.

There are also several procedures that can be performed by a Doctor or a specialist. These include phototherapy, dermabrasion, laser therapy and even surgery.

Phototherapy uses light a specific frequencies reduce your incidence of acne by 65 to 80 percent. It seems to work by creating free radical which then kill the bacterium which cause the acne.

Dermabrasion is a process of causing the skin to peel. This is done in a variety of ways, some are chemical peels, and other methods use what is basically sandpaper to remove the outer layers of skin. This is normally done under some type of anesthesia.

Laser therapy has not been proven in long term studies yet. It has however been approved for use on humans and does show promise for some types of acne vulgaris.
Surgery is mostly only used when treating large cysts or boils. These can then be surgically lanced to help relieve the swelling and speed the healing time.

The Future
Much work has been done in the past few years to find effective acne treatments. There is a vaccine that has been tested in mice and worked well, however there is no indication that it will have the same effect on humans. For most acne vulgaris is no longer a permanent trip to hibernation till you pass the age of 20 or so, simply it is something you work a few minutes treating each day. Be sure to come back often to so you get all the latest info on caring for your skin.

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Saturday, 9 May 2015

Acne Vulgaris - Fast & Easy Natural Remedies Curing Acne Vulgaris

If you are suffering from acne vulgaris, then you are suffering from the most common type of acne. Acne vulgaris has the ability of affecting just about anyone, and the majority of the population has had some form of acne vulgaris at one point or another.

Today, roughly 85% of teenagers suffer from some form of acne, and this could be due to the increase in their hormone levels, which over stimulate their sebaceous glands, causing the acne vulgaris.

With acne being one of the major concerns for all teenagers, more are looking for natural remedies in helping to cure their acne vulgaris. Acne can be found anywhere on the body, but the most common places are usually the face and back. With Acne Vulgaris, as it normally isn't a severe form of acne, there usually won't be any scarring. Acne that tends to scar is usually the more severe cases, when several papules or pimples join together causing cysts (this form of acne is known as cystic acne or severe acne).

When it comes to curing your acne vulgaris permanently many sufferers choose to use over the counter products. Although some of these products many help for a short time, the majority can end up making your acne worse and that could be because many of the treatments work well for some, but may irritate others. As with all medications, it's about choosing the right product for your skin combination and condition.

With many acne vulgaris sufferers now choosing a more holistic and natural approach to curing their acne, there are more natural products becoming available that have been tried and tested, and are finding to bring some relief to many acne symptoms.

Some natural products used have been rose water, lemon juice mixed with water, milk of magnesia, pure tea tree oil, lavender and ginger root. When applying any of these to your face, make sure you test a spot on your skin first, to see if there is any reaction.

Lemon balm, aloe vera and horsetail have been placed directly on to an individual's inflamed skin with much success. A homeopathic solution that has also been used to help ease inflamed skin is sulphur lotion. You can also experiment at home with many ingredients already in your fridge. Just make sure you first test for any allergies.

Here are a couple of Acne Home remedies:-

Vinegar & Lemon Water
Did you know that lemon juice is a natural antibacterial and is great for cleansing the skin, healing old acne scabs and also in helping to prevent new ones starting? Vinegar is a natural cleanser as well as toner. By adding 1 part vinegar to 1 part lemon juice to 5 parts water, you have the perfect mixture to rinse and cleanse your face. This will remove excessive oil and also help in cleaning the pores of bacteria build up. By using this treatment three times a week you will find your skin healthier and clearer.

Fresh Garden Mint
Fresh mint is a fantastic home remedy for acne sufferers. Mint helps to heal infection caused by acne and also prevents new pimples from occurring. Best way to use the mint is by rubbing the leaves between your fingers until you get the leaves secreting their juice, then rub the leaves and juice on to your face before bed.
Acne isn't fun, whatever your age! Take control of your acne today, visit Acne Facts [] for more information, tips & resources now! Learn about acne benzoyl peroxide [], celebrity skin care treatment and much more...

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Friday, 8 May 2015

Understanding Teenage Acne

If you've spent any time learning about teenage acne products, then you likely already know how many of them are out there. Each product makes claims to be the end-all of cures, and yet, only some of them seem to help even to a small degree. When you further research acne itself, it isn't just products that vary; there are also many different ideas about the causes and effects of this common teen affliction.

The simple truth of it is that, without a clear understanding of what acne is and what causes it, it can be difficult to find an effective teenage acne treatment. Worse than that, without an effective method of reducing acne, the psychological effects can be quite devastating; the emotional and social impact that a bad case of acne in your teen years can leave you with a complex that follows you far into your adult life.

To begin to understand the problem let's look at what acne is, what causes it, and then we will move on to some simple ways that you can reduce acne in your teen years.

What is Acne?
Acne is a skin condition that is caused by over-production of oil in the skin by the skins oil glands. Plugged pores, blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, and even cysts can be the result of when the oil from these glands gets trapped in oil-ducts beneath the skin. Cases of acne can range from mild, where only a few pimples or blackheads form on the face, to much more severe cases, in which sores cover the entire face, neck, back and shoulders.

Although most prevalent in teens acne can affect anyone. The problem usually starts in the teen years when a child reaches puberty (commonly between 10 and 13), and it commonly last for five to ten years. Teenage acne normally goes away during the early twenties, but not always. Even as an adult you can suffer from this condition.

When it comes to information about acne, there are many conflicting resources, and ideas. To really get a start in preventing teenage acne, a basic knowledge of its real causes is required.

What are the causes of Teenage Acne?
The causes of acne are sometimes argued, but research into the subject gives us an understanding. Let's first talk about what doesn't cause acne. This will help to get rid of some common myths surrounding acne.

Diet does not cause acne: Eating greasy foods, potato chips, or chocolate bars will not give you acne. Some studies link diet to aggravating acne, but what you eat will not cause it in the first place.

A healthy sex drive does not cause can: Another common misconception is that sex causes acne. This simply isn't true. Birth control pills may trigger, or aggravate acne in women, but even then it's not the root cause of the issue.

Exercising will not cause acne: You've likely heard it said that if you sweat, you might get zits. Again this isn't true. Exercising will not make your face start to pop out all over, and it is an important part of your overall health that you do exercise.

Dirt does not cause acne: A dusty or dirty face will not cause acne. Although keeping clean is important, washing your face every 10 minutes will not prevent or even help with your acne. Washing too much may even cause further skin irritation. Poor hygiene may aggravate your acne, but again it is not the root cause.

The real cause of teenage acne is in the oil glands in your skin, in your hormones. In your teenage years hormones such as, testosterone and other androgenic hormones kick into high gear. This usually happens around the same time that a child hits puberty. These hormones trigger the oil glands (the sebaceous gland) in your skin to produce more of a substance known as sebum.

When functioning properly, sebum's job is to transport dead skin cells and bacteria to the surface of the skin. With the increase in production, however, your body produces too much sebum and it clogs your pores. These clogged pores then lead to blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, and even cysts that can get infected below the skin.

With an understanding of how acne starts, it's time look at how to reduce teenage acne.

The Simple Way to Reduce Teenage Acne
The simple fact is that you can't control your body's hormones. You can, however, control the health of your skin. By ensuring that you keep your skin healthy, you increase the chance of everything functioning properly, thus reducing the chances that you will suffer from acne.
Studies have shown that the best way to treat teenage acne is to keep your skin healthy. The right treatment along with avoiding the things that aggravate acne is the best cure. There are skin care products intended for acne prevention and reduction, such as our own teenage acne treatment, that can effectively reduce the severity and duration of breakout. These types of treatments are all-natural and aren't harsh on your skin.
Now that you know a little more about acne, you will be better able to control it; and you will be able to choose products that actually work in your pursuit of clear skin.

Johanna Curtis is a licensed skin care professional (esthetician), who works with parents and teens in their struggles with teenage acne. She is the creator of  [] ; a community-based site, created to support those with acne problems. Johanna suggests the non-damaging topical treatment, Acnezine, as a first step in teenage acne treatment []

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